Phoenix @animecountryboy
Phoenix @animecountryboy
Which kind do you all like better, when it comes to a person's hands. Rough or smooth? I' m just courious. I have rough hands, because I work with them often. In my opinion, I like someone who works with their hands, and as such rough, firm hands.
The_Geeky_Panda @the_geeky_panda
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The_Geeky_Panda @the_geeky_panda
Smooth hands especially when receiving a massage.
Freedom @freedom
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Freedom @freedom
Soft and small dainty hands are very nice.
shikamarachan @shikamarachan
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shikamarachan @shikamarachan
I prefer large somewhat rough hands. I know my hands aren't exactly soft or smooth.
zexion66 @zexion66
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zexion66 @zexion66
small and smooth X3
tae_fansick @djlee6
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tae_fansick @djlee6
hmm......depends on the person. Hand texture is a good hint to a person's personality. Personally, I'd like it if I met a guy who used his hands. If I wanted soft and smooth, I'd just use my own -.-; (tiny girly girl hands.....)
Amezuki @amezuki
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Amezuki @amezuki
Hand texture isn't just a hint to a person's personality, it can be a hint as to their hobbies and interests as well if they use their hands for anything. Certain martial arts leave specific patterns of callouses, particularly ones with a heavy emphasis on weapons--kendo comes to mind.
fromtheashes @fromtheashes
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fromtheashes @fromtheashes
I never really thought about that, regarding hand texture. O_o Interesting. XD
As far as preference, I'm mixed. I would always like a partner with smooth hands but, since I already have smooth hands and handle things with precision and delicacy, I think rougher hands can balance thinks out. XD I still don't mind hands like mine though. lol
Amezuki @amezuki
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Amezuki @amezuki
I honestly don't care what kind of hands someone has, as long as they like to touch with them and appreciate being touched. XD
fromtheashes @fromtheashes
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fromtheashes @fromtheashes
True that, Amezuki. That's all that matters. XD
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