Wolf's Rain

HolyGoddess @holygoddess
Wolf's Rain
HolyGoddess @holygoddess
this was a really good anime
I'm sad its not in the (Anime & Manga)

Sephiroth @sephiroth
commented on
Wolf's Rain
Sephiroth @sephiroth
You can add it yourself :) I actually enjoyed Wolf's Rain too.

HolyGoddess @holygoddess
commented on
Wolf's Rain
HolyGoddess @holygoddess
Its so sad T.T I bought the first 5 eps on DVD it came with a CD a box and a cute Kiba wolf plush

Sephiroth @sephiroth
commented on
Wolf's Rain
Sephiroth @sephiroth
It's been a looong time since I've watched. I need to make a review feature here on MaiOtaku so that I can write down what my thoughts were, XD

HolyGoddess @holygoddess
commented on
Wolf's Rain
HolyGoddess @holygoddess
I'm not sure how to add it and mew X3

HolyGoddess @holygoddess
commented on
Wolf's Rain
HolyGoddess @holygoddess
ya I added it that wasn't hard lol I just copy and pasted the plot off of Wiki I wasn't sure how to describe it myself Xp

Hirogashi @lonrelic
commented on
Wolf's Rain
Hirogashi @lonrelic
Thanks for adding it! I enjoyed it as well although the end did make me kinda mad!

HolyGoddess @holygoddess
commented on
Wolf's Rain
HolyGoddess @holygoddess
because it was a cycle and went back to the beginning?
and no problem

Hirogashi @lonrelic
commented on
Wolf's Rain
Hirogashi @lonrelic
yeah thats it lol and now you spoiled it for others XD!

HolyGoddess @holygoddess
commented on
Wolf's Rain
HolyGoddess @holygoddess
XD Bwa hahaha even so its a good anime despite the cycle
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