Customizing Profile

raymarg13 @raymarg13
Customizing Profile
raymarg13 @raymarg13
we should be able to Customize our profile just a suggestion.

PansexualFangirl @pansexualotaku
commented on
Customizing Profile
PansexualFangirl @pansexualotaku
I agree! That would be an awesome feature to have some time in the future!

Aka-san @redhawk
commented on
Customizing Profile
Aka-san @redhawk
I also agree, they should do this

shikamarachan @shikamarachan
commented on
Customizing Profile
shikamarachan @shikamarachan
Even if it's just the colors on our profiles.

raymarg13 @raymarg13
commented on
Customizing Profile
raymarg13 @raymarg13
Ikr something i guess they will be working on it

Aka-san @redhawk
commented on
Customizing Profile
Aka-san @redhawk
or some sort of online chat like they have on facebook in the corner, showing which friends are online, I know its too much to ask for but it would be really cool thought

Emiya Chiro @azern
commented on
Customizing Profile
Emiya Chiro @azern
I hope they add me as one of their programmer.
And I really agree for the online chat you suggest there.
especially make a new room in the chatbox
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