Share your Dream

Light @light323
Share your Dream
Light @light323
Before Tokyopop website got taken down, I used to Share my manga ideas with people on the forums and we would help each other out. I made new friends and it was fun. I even got a chance to work on a manga idea with people from France, New Zealand,and United Kingdom. We all work as a group trying our best to publish a manga. We all had the same dream and ambition, but when Tokyopop got taken down, we didn't resume our work and our dreams didn't come true. I think it would be cool if i can work together with people again trying to create a new manga!!

Aka-san @redhawk
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Share your Dream
Aka-san @redhawk
I know what you mean, I too have the dream of creating a Manga and Comic Book and used to tell some of my friends about it. Been working on many and have tons of ideas down for most of them. Have about 11 Manga's that I am currently working on, but is difficult to manage my time between them and since I'm doing it all myself makes it more stressful. But I have not given up on it, even though it can be tough the thing is to never give up on your dreams. I would like to hear your ideas about your manga and like to help any way possible and I would tell you about my own.

PansexualFangirl @pansexualotaku
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Share your Dream
PansexualFangirl @pansexualotaku
I used to and still have the image of a pretty cool manga in mind. It is of a 7 year old girl who was abandoned and taken-in by two teenage dudes. They raise her and have a happy and entertaining life together. The girl steals a baby from a church. She is adopted into their family..The younger sister is kidnapped and the older one goes on an adventure to find her and beats up a mermaid violently in the process. In the end, they will all die in some way. Gee, it's better than this, but I suck at summaries.

SimonSan @simonsanbr
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Share your Dream
SimonSan @simonsanbr
I bought a domain name so I could host my manga with my ex (before we broke up) so now I have the site (not running yet) but the whole title of the site is meant for it being 2 people.... So maybe one day if I find someone I know well enough to be the other half of the website, Ill just keep renewing the domain. I have one manga stalled plus I have at least one full story/book in me. Though I always have many short stories in me that I make up on the fly whenever someone asks....

Light @light323
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Share your Dream
Light @light323
@PanSexualFangirl Sounds very awesome! You should write a script:)Im gonna post some scripts that i been working on, and share it with you guys.
@SimonSan You should continue your work, im sure your work is good enough to get publish. Im trying to finish writing my first story.

Aka-san @redhawk
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Share your Dream
Aka-san @redhawk
The one story that I am working on is called "Tears of Terra". Its about a teen named Ken who lives on earth but always felt like he never belonged there, and that his lifestyle was too dull. Truth is that he is the descendant of a hero named Valor from Earth's twin planet named Terra which exists within a parallel dimension. On Terra, the things we believe as Fantasy exist, like Magick for example. But years ago on Terra there was a war between Heaven and Hell. The Holy Order of Knights fought in the name of Heaven while the Dark Order fought in the name of Arcanedeus who created Hell. Valor managed to defeat Arcanedeus and seal him away for many years, and Valor soon left Terra to travel to Earth via the Dimensional Rift. After many years of imprisonment, the Seal on Arcanedeus is weakening and the Dark Order will make their move to free Arcanedeus, so the Holy Order of knights will need the powers of Valor in the new fight against evil and send one of their Knights, Zadklas to Earth to find Ken. But the Dark Order is also aware of this plan and send their own agents follow Zadklas through the Dimensional Rift to Earth. The battle for Terra will renew again.
by ME

Aka-san @redhawk
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Share your Dream
Aka-san @redhawk
How's this XD
first story I wanted to draw out into a manga
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