Xbox Live
mn_rogue @mn_rogue
Xbox Live
mn_rogue @mn_rogue
Does anyone here have Xbox Live and if so, what is your gamertag and what games do you like to play? My gamertag is Rogue647 and I like to play the Halo games, Assassin's Creed games, Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3, Castle Crashers, and much more.
vid30kidd @vid30kidd
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Xbox Live
vid30kidd @vid30kidd
I have XBL. GT: SR Alex IX. Currently playing Black ops 2, Dead Island Riptide, and Left for Dead 2. I'm trying to get back into the fighting games but remembering combos hurts my head sometimes lol
mn_rogue @mn_rogue
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Xbox Live
mn_rogue @mn_rogue
Have you tried playing the Ultimate Ninja Storm games? They are fun because they aren't really about memorizing combos, but more about using strategy and timing.
tobitairu @tobitairu
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Xbox Live
tobitairu @tobitairu
I'm Working Sniper. I don't get new games very often, so I can't usually keep up with my gaming buddies. Right now, I'm playing the Dawnguard DLC for Skyrim, just finished AC3, and have barely started Borderlands 2. Being basically penniless, I can't keep up with the DLC on most games. I have Battlefield 3 and Halo 4, but no DLC for them.
Animefan8451 @animefan8451
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Xbox Live
Animefan8451 @animefan8451
Yeah, I got one. I mainly play Tales of Vesperia and UNS3, but also own some other games as well.
Kanto Kanrei @kanto
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Xbox Live
Kanto Kanrei @kanto
Kanto Kanrei is my tag I play halo and gears alot when I am on.
ロイ @wallace614
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Xbox Live
ロイ @wallace614
Hit me up I been wanting to get some rpg games but Xbox doesn't seem to have many
Or not at least the ones I want. Usually related to anime
So I'm thinking of buying a ps2 and a pop just to play them
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