Any fans from the east coast in general?

jbee @jbee
Any fans from the east coast in general?
jbee @jbee
:) Im from VA what about you all?

MrDevious @mrdevious
commented on
Any fans from the east coast in general?
MrDevious @mrdevious
Central PA

J @j_oxford
commented on
Any fans from the east coast in general?
J @j_oxford
Redneck, VA.

pancakes_and_pencils @pancakes_and_pencils
commented on
Any fans from the east coast in general?
pancakes_and_pencils @pancakes_and_pencils
South Jersey

lilbear616 @lilbear616
commented on
Any fans from the east coast in general?
lilbear616 @lilbear616
I'm from Eastern PA =)

katetheanimenerd @katetheanimenerd
commented on
Any fans from the east coast in general?
katetheanimenerd @katetheanimenerd
I'm from Galax, VA :)

Pawlitics @pawlitics
commented on
Any fans from the east coast in general?
Pawlitics @pawlitics
Southern New Jersey as well! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

rawrriceball @rawrriceball
commented on
Any fans from the east coast in general?
rawrriceball @rawrriceball
Springfield ( near DC ), Virginia

higashi172 @higashi172
commented on
Any fans from the east coast in general?
higashi172 @higashi172
Hampton, VA checking in! :D

Omichan @omichan
commented on
Any fans from the east coast in general?
Omichan @omichan
Originally NC. I go back so often its still like my home.
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