Hey There

codebreaker @codebreaker
Hey There
codebreaker @codebreaker
Hello,. My name is Gavin and I live in Mississippi. I guess it's already self explanatory that I'm an otaku. I particular like something with more of a story than action (Though hypocritically, the Dragonball Series was my childhood and I still love it.) I am 15 and you are more than welcome to talk to me. I'm not very shallow or judging so I don't mind anyone talking to me. ^^

laddrusso @laddrusso
commented on
Hey There
laddrusso @laddrusso
What's up man? Allow me to be the first to welcome you to the site! if you like action with a good story line try darker than black. If you like DBZ then you will love this anime.

codebreaker @codebreaker
commented on
Hey There
codebreaker @codebreaker
Alrighty then. I will attempt watching it. I have nothing in particular to watch anyways at the moment. :p
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