
Wonderlust @sica
Wonderlust @sica
I'm dating sum1 but My family thinks he's gay...Gay...I couldn't tell him. And now they think I'm trying to convince them I'm straight by using my gay friend as my Fake boyfriend. Just because I used to be in my high school Gay.Straight.Alliance.Club...FML
FYI: I joined because my 3 Best friend's were the secretary of treasury, the vice president, and the President...-_-' I was the straight one

anarqe @anarqe
commented on
anarqe @anarqe
Huh, that sucks, I want to help, though i can not form the thought process necessary to make an output. I in my opinion believe that you should not let them bring you down, your in a relationship, enjoy it. If they feel that it is there purpose to rebuttal are your decisions just ignore it. I dunno thats just my opinion.

hiphop8004 @hiphop8004
commented on
hiphop8004 @hiphop8004
sounds like somthing in a sitcom, either way that still soundn't mess up ur relationship, but your probably gonna have to let your family think what they wanna think (p.s. we have the same club at my high school to though im not in it)

abra_kadabra @aaroniero_aseyah
commented on
abra_kadabra @aaroniero_aseyah
u cant control what other people think if they don't believe u so be it u know ur not gay he knows he's not gay so just b together and b happy :-)

Sephiroth @sephiroth
commented on
Sephiroth @sephiroth
Family = Silly, almost always. Some people just don't understand that it's not for them to care about EITHER WAY.

_ @themoonkitty
commented on
_ @themoonkitty
<font color="purple">I second what everyone above me has said =n_n=<BR>
Family members may <i>think</i> they know what's best for you, but they really don't ... They just know what they want you to do and that is completely different.<BR>
Some boys are prettier than others, big deal, tell them to stop being jealous, lol. And so what you support people with alternate lifestyles... It's sad they still need people to support them cuz people are to ignorant to realize they don't have a problem.<BR>
So I give you a gold star and 2 health potions for being awesome, do what makes you happy and try not to let your family get you down<BR>
=^.^= </font>

dark_cosplays_07 @dark_cosplays_07
commented on
dark_cosplays_07 @dark_cosplays_07
i do and do not know how you feel people call me gay allot because i walk on my toes my friend caseys step mom is hell bent on proving I'm gay when im not the only real difference is the reason and the family thing

Migal @migali
commented on
Migal @migali
Probably the best thing is to just let them go on thinking whatever (People will think what they want and you can't really change that -.-) and if you ever have kids well.. i'm pretty sure at that point they'll get the point unless their just that stubborn?
Of course there's always the extreme method as well.. Just do the nono right in front of them? ..Though they could just say its an act ..soo probably not advisable.. actually not advisable no matter what, after that you'd have some pretty awkward family visits. <-- (Disclaimer: Please do not actually attempt this, or just don't blame me ^_^; )

OtakuTeen13 @otakuteen13
commented on
OtakuTeen13 @otakuteen13
For me, I broke my 8GB flash drive that had a crap load of manga on it and my homework AND my portable firefox. ^^;

Kronos @kronos
commented on
Kronos @kronos
Looks to me like your family is judging your bf by THEIR standards instead of taking YOUR thoughts into consideration. My mother did the same thing to me when I was in an earlier relationship (I think that's one of the things that killed it). But I thinki you're a mature person who can decide these things for herself, so don't let your parents bug you about it.
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