Your Favorite Character

anarqe @anarqe
Your Favorite Character
anarqe @anarqe
Your favorite character, who is it, it can be any one from anything. Book, Show, Game anything. For Starters I will Say Batman.
He is awesome, a gadget for every situation, knows every type of martial arts known to man and some not known to others than him, he has the coolest things a giant penny a batmmobile the batplane and his own signal. He can pull of anything, he once used his own mind as a weapon, escaped from his own death, and from jokers lead box of poison. If that is not enough he has the best villains anyone has ever heard of. Bane, Scare Crow, Joker, Hush, Raz al Gul. Thats just the ones that come to mind, so what's your favorite Character.

Wonderlust @sica
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Your Favorite Character
Wonderlust @sica
I'm a girl and I can't help this...Sesshomaru from inuyasha will always be my fav. He's one of those characters that are neither good or bad, His personality doesn't change, he wasn't a villain that turned to the good side. He is determinately a character I relate to with the whole sibling rivalry thing. plus...he's hot!! >_> well for a drawing at least, I'm not that crazy.

anarqe @anarqe
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Your Favorite Character
anarqe @anarqe
Sesshomaru, I have not met a girl who does not like him.XD

Wonderlust @sica
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Your Favorite Character
Wonderlust @sica
Argh, I know aren't i special lol...o.o why aren't there more posts here?

anarqe @anarqe
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Your Favorite Character
anarqe @anarqe
The Dow Jones is down, you could always blame the Dow.

hiphop8004 @hiphop8004
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Your Favorite Character
hiphop8004 @hiphop8004
seeshomaru is to fan girl,as water is to fish. out of a my fan girl friends 3/5th of them would give there life 4 him. weird. anyway my fav cha character rater as of rite now is harima(school rumble), he always saying the worst possible things in really awkward times.

anarqe @anarqe
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Your Favorite Character
anarqe @anarqe
I have not checked it out, though i hear its really good. I'll go check it out sometime soon.

_ @themoonkitty
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Your Favorite Character
_ @themoonkitty
<font color="purple">I got confused, lol.<BR>
But my favorite character would have to be ... Sesshie, hehe, HH8004 has a point xD as well as as Kyo from Fruits Basket, Ren from Nana... *blink* oops I'm listing bishies xD <BR>
That... just...happened... xD </font>

anarqe @anarqe
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Your Favorite Character
anarqe @anarqe
Lol, I can't have Bishies T^T, My favorite anime character is spike from Cowboy Bebop.

GC9000 @gc9000
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Your Favorite Character
GC9000 @gc9000
Lol I have so characters I like, its hard to pick, but a couple of my favs are shadow the hedgehog, everyone from Aria, kino from Kino no Tabi, etc etc many to choose from lol the list is much longer
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