What got you through a time of serious depression?

ahoycaptainkid @ahoycaptainkid
What got you through a time of serious depression?
ahoycaptainkid @ahoycaptainkid
I'm talking about like a death of a very close family member, parents divorcing, bullying, etc.
What helped you guys?

aoiyosei @aoiyosei
commented on
What got you through a time of serious depression?
aoiyosei @aoiyosei
I lost someone very important to me a few years back and was a train wreck... I watched a lot of anime and stuff. That particular part of my life was a bit of a blur. I threw myself into the anime and kinda distanced myself from reality. I seem to immerse myself more when I'm down than I do on a regular bases. To the point where it's actually unhealthy and I do nothing but watch anime all day. So if you suddenly see me watch like 50 episodes in one day you know there is something up. 10 episodes is pretty normal for me on a work day.

ahoycaptainkid @ahoycaptainkid
commented on
What got you through a time of serious depression?
ahoycaptainkid @ahoycaptainkid
Sorry about your loss. :(
I, too, lost someone very dear to me. My father. I was so numb after his death and so young, so my emotions really were just everywhere. I finally broke down when I was around 12 and I am still dealing with some of it.
Anime helped me a lot also. I would just lay down and watch anime on my T.V or on my laptop and it really got me through the days. It still does for the most part.
I'm still slowly getting back up there.
Thanks for sharing what helped you. It's not really a easy discussion, but it's nice to hear from others about their story. c:

canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
commented on
What got you through a time of serious depression?
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
This account has been suspended.

ahoycaptainkid @ahoycaptainkid
commented on
What got you through a time of serious depression?
ahoycaptainkid @ahoycaptainkid
Just wanted to say your profile picture made me jump until I realized it wasn't a real spider. Thank god. xD
Anyways, she rejected your comfort after a year via text? That's kinda mean, but then again, I wouldn't really wanna say anything more because I don't know her. But good for you for being there, that's really nice of you. Because then again, that's all we can do for someone. But still, it was very nice and thoughtful of you. :)
I did finally start to open up to my family, especially my mom. I got counseling and help from them. I am so lucky to have them in my life. Even when I was so down, they kept telling me to believe in life and go on. And now, that's all I ever think of. To keep going.
Thanks for sharing your story, and it's true what you say: "Just stay connected and stay strong." :)

ahoycaptainkid @ahoycaptainkid
commented on
What got you through a time of serious depression?
ahoycaptainkid @ahoycaptainkid
Just wanted to say your profile picture made me jump until I realized it wasn't a real spider. Thank god. xD
Anyways, she rejected your comfort after a year via text? That's kinda mean, but then again, I wouldn't really wanna say anything more because I don't know her. But good for you for being there, that's really nice of you. Because then again, that's all we can do for someone. But still, it was very nice and thoughtful of you. :)
I did finally start to open up to my family, especially my mom. I got counseling and help from them. I am so lucky to have them in my life. Even when I was so down, they kept telling me to believe in life and go on. And now, that's all I ever think of. To keep going.
Thanks for sharing your story, and it's true what you say: "Just stay connected and stay strong." :)

ahoycaptainkid @ahoycaptainkid
commented on
What got you through a time of serious depression?
ahoycaptainkid @ahoycaptainkid
(Woah, sorry for the double post, still new to this. x-x)

aoiyosei @aoiyosei
commented on
What got you through a time of serious depression?
aoiyosei @aoiyosei
Somewhere I saw one avatar (not on here I can't remember where) they have this bug that moves as it's a gif. Creeped me out!!!
I lost my dad when I was 10 so I can very much relate to how you are feeling about that. It was a very hard time for me too. My way of dealing with things wasn't really the best way but it worked for me. I have a habit of numbing out the bad parts of life until I am strong enough to deal with them. I'm good at that >.<
You know what the best way to get yourself in an up mood? mp3 player, very loud anime song (a happy one) bounce around the house like a mad woman. LOL, everyone is just going to think I am weird saying that.... well maybe? But seriously it works!

Axel @axwell
commented on
What got you through a time of serious depression?
Axel @axwell
When I'm depressed exercise is my best solution. Takes my mind off anything painful or sad.

aoiyosei @aoiyosei
commented on
What got you through a time of serious depression?
aoiyosei @aoiyosei
and the great thing about exercise is that it releases endorphin's which make it chemically impossible to feel as bad as you were when you started :D
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