Liking Anime got me bullied?

taylor1016 @taylor1016
Liking Anime got me bullied?
taylor1016 @taylor1016
I'm a junior in highschool and I had to leave and become homeschooled because I was toremented becaused I liked anime. I made a Naruto jacket I used to wear all the time, and all the hateful words I got completly destroyed my esteem and value in myself. Sometimes I'm disapointed that I ran from my problems. But it got so bad...Is liking anime that big of a deal. That people feel the need to ruin you. Has this ever happened to you? How did you deal with it? How do you get your self value back up? I just closed into I want to break out..or try,,

aoiyosei @aoiyosei
commented on
Liking Anime got me bullied?
aoiyosei @aoiyosei
I'm a lot older than you so we are going back over 10 years when I was at high school. My school had uniforms too so we couldn't wear our own clothes. Honestly I was severely bullied at school I hated it there. All I can say is, don't let it define your life. You've only got 2 years left, you will find as you get older, you can choose which social circles you want to hang with and you don't have to surround yourself with selfish brats that just want to make everyone miserable.
Unfortunately in the work world there are some idiots out there too but you don't have to associate with them as much and if they outright bully you like that you can sue them for harassment and they will loose their job so people tend to treat others with more respect in the 'real world'. High school is a tough time for anyone with a bit of individuality. Just be glad that your not a sheep!
I used to get bullied for my weight even though I was smaller than half the girls who bullied me they called me fat. They were just being nasty, I wasn't fat in high school at all. I also got bullied for liking alternative music.
You get your self esteem up by knowing YOU are BETTER than them! There is nothing wrong with being into anime and cosplay! There are people out there that will like you for it! Surround your self with people that matter! Because they so do not. You have your whole life ahead of you!

tobitairu @tobitairu
commented on
Liking Anime got me bullied?
tobitairu @tobitairu
The thing about bullies, they never bully you because of something you are, do, or wear. They bully you because they're bullies. Anything else is an excuse. Wear what you want, do what you want, and be who you want. Each time you do something that is entirely you, smile a little, because you have more courage in being you than that bully has in trying to rip you down. Smiling, laughing, and letting yourself feel good, are all ways to help your self-esteem.

taylor1016 @taylor1016
commented on
Liking Anime got me bullied?
taylor1016 @taylor1016
The real world is what I'm scared of. I am actually graduating this year. In August. (Homeschooling. ) If highschool was that bad, goodness knows what college will be like. I had friends like me. But they got tired of it and dropped it all together. I can't do that. Anime has become apart of my life, you know? Proms and partys I never went to, I had my manga. Or anime to keep me sane. Am I walking into a battlefield in college. I'm kind of scared...I know it's pathetic I can't help it. Thank you guys though. I seriously appreciate it. From the bottom of my heart

Cecil @cecil
commented on
Liking Anime got me bullied?
Cecil @cecil
@Taylor, the nice thing about college over High School is people there are A LOT more accepting of your quirks than people in HS are. If you're fortunate enough to attend a school that has an anime club, that right there is a great pool of people to build friendships with who have similar interests to you. I pretty much had to hide the fact I liked anime when I was in High School out of fear of getting picked on. Even wearing a Star Trek t-shirt back then got me a lot of derision from fellow classmates and upperclassmen. Being 32 now and looking back, I've met tons of great people since leaving HS and don't even care any more about the jackasses who did the bullying since I never see them. HS is an important time in your life, but you have so much better experiences to look forward to with college and beyond. HS can be a stressful time for otaku because of the bullying factor, but once you're out of there, it becomes A LOT easier to share and experience your passions with others since you can leave all the idiots behind you. Hell I still wear my Super Mario 3 hoody I bought from Hot Topic a few years ago on clearance to this day and really don't give a fudge what people think.

aoiyosei @aoiyosei
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Liking Anime got me bullied?
aoiyosei @aoiyosei
I agree, no one cares in college, everyone is more accepting.

The_Geeky_Panda @the_geeky_panda
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Liking Anime got me bullied?
The_Geeky_Panda @the_geeky_panda
High School is literally something like a Fallout Universe where its crazy, different factions, etc. I too was bullied for liking Anime and Video games back then. College it gets better though so hang in there!

tobitairu @tobitairu
commented on
Liking Anime got me bullied?
tobitairu @tobitairu
College is, quite frankly, awsome. These are people that CHOOSE to go to school, people that are paying a great deal of money (whether immediately, or over time to pay back loans, they're still paying) to gain more information. That makes the focus on the classes themselves, rather than the social strata that floats around the classes. In general, in the world, people don't care. At college, you can find groups, clubs, etc. of like-minded people that share your interests. Everyone else? Won't engage those things. They'll just focus on their own interests, and their classes.

tobitairu @tobitairu
commented on
Liking Anime got me bullied?
tobitairu @tobitairu
Also: Awsome on going for college out of high school. I didn't, I waited a long time, and I sincerely regret it.

taylor1016 @taylor1016
commented on
Liking Anime got me bullied?
taylor1016 @taylor1016
I wanted to get it out of the way. Yep. I got my acceptence to study pre med in late August . And because i was homeschooled and did work during week ends and summer vaction so i could leave early. Going to college isnt going to stop me from going to anime expo or AM2. I just worried that college will be like highschool. It still shocks me how nice people are on here. I feel like I dont have to hide anything. its strange :)
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