Otakon 2013

Meta-morpho-sis @countessramsey
Otakon 2013
Meta-morpho-sis @countessramsey
I am going and wonder if anyone else is.Maybe we can room or hang :)

Axel @axwell
commented on
Otakon 2013
Axel @axwell
Im movin to canada this summer so i'm just in time for it. I'd be happy to meet some people :)

Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
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Otakon 2013
Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
I'm going (most likely)

Rou @roukuro
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Otakon 2013
Rou @roukuro
Definitely going. No matter what. I'll see you all there.

Axel @axwell
commented on
Otakon 2013
Axel @axwell
Cool, let's meet up since i dont know anyone :p.

dinubrosha @dinubrosha
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Otakon 2013
dinubrosha @dinubrosha
I might be there, 1st time going to Ota c:

Misaeko @misaeko
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Otakon 2013
Misaeko @misaeko
I may be going really hope I can it will be my 1st con out of MO

harlockprime @harlockprime
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Otakon 2013
harlockprime @harlockprime
I'll be there, rocking my vinyl outfit for the dance... >:3
Some amazing guests this year! Would love to meet some of you fine folks!

crona452 @crona452
commented on
Otakon 2013
crona452 @crona452
20th anniversiry, im doinh everything I can not to miss it

Pawlitics @pawlitics
commented on
Otakon 2013
Pawlitics @pawlitics
I'll be going with my friend! We still have to find a room though. (*/ω\*)
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