
laddrusso @laddrusso
laddrusso @laddrusso
woop woop

laddrusso @laddrusso
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laddrusso @laddrusso
Hello Otaku's... Otaki? anyway I originally created this post to write down and remember interesting dreams that I knew meant something to me and I didn't want to forget. But Instead I would like to hear yours as well and help you analyze them If you think they may have significant value to your life. Anyway I hope you all like this Idea and I look forward to reading your posts. :)
Here is my latest dream which I just awoke from. please enjoy my terrible writing skills ;)

laddrusso @laddrusso
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laddrusso @laddrusso
I was in a military base protecting a new prototype weapon. It was inside of a building almost completely made of bullet proof glass so we could see intruders coming from outside. Sure enough before we knew it there was tanks surrounding the building and planes flying over preparing to strike. The glass shattered and for some reason the intruders came to kidnap my sister. (oh btw my brother sister and best friend are in this dream.) And just as they were loading her into the car Chris (my best friend) set and ambush and saved her. not the end but that's the long version of what happened. rewind to the beginning. Same place, same time, just the same scenario again. but this time they get in the car and my brother chases them down jumps on the car and saves her just before they reach the enemy defenses.

laddrusso @laddrusso
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laddrusso @laddrusso
mind you I still got the watch the whole scenario twice. Rewind again. For the final time hopefully I watch the events unfold as they did both times before. But this time when they got to the car no one did anything, no one was even there. It was just me watching as they drove away. As soon as I noticed I ran, but I wasn't fast enough and they got away. When it was all said and done I realized that it was the third time it had happened, not previously knowing the time before that, I immediately fell to my knees and cried out her name. knowing that I let everyone down and that I had failed the test to save my sister when even my best friend had done more than I did and saved her, nothing would be the same because of me.

laddrusso @laddrusso
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laddrusso @laddrusso
. I heard a footstep behind me so I turned and sure enough there was my brother staring at me, disappointment in his eyes. He disappears. At this time I'm still sitting on the sidewalk with Chris (my best friend) and a strange woman in white. I have no idea who she is and I've never seen her before. She tells us to follow her so we do. We board a plane and begin flying. The three of us alone in this cargo plane.

laddrusso @laddrusso
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laddrusso @laddrusso
. and all of the sudden it begins to spin out of control, and I mean spin and flip like gravity and rules dont exist. and as we were about to collide with the building my view switched back to where i was sitting inside the plane and it was calm. we had just hit a huge building in a plane spinning out of control and nothing is wrong inside of the plane. I turned to the mysterious woman inside of the plane and said "This isn't real."

laddrusso @laddrusso
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laddrusso @laddrusso
Suddenly the buildings and rubble outside turned into water and waves with the exception of the floating plane. I remember the statement this isn't real eating away at my brain and I awoke. The sun shining right in my eyes as I picked up my head from a computer desk, that wasn't mine, in a house, I had never been in before, everything glowing with a yellow shine from the sun bouncing off the shined wood panels that constructed the house.

laddrusso @laddrusso
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laddrusso @laddrusso
I remember I had to get up for work so I shot out of the chair for the door and as I was about to leave I remember that when I had went to sleep It was 6 pm So it was impossible for the sun and this light to be real. With regret and confusion, Reality.

laddrusso @laddrusso
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laddrusso @laddrusso
I dont understand why i couldnt put it all in one post. :'(

J_Awesome @j_awesome
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J_Awesome @j_awesome
I wish I could recollect and write down my dreams. Mine are like a Salvador Dali painting after snorting an 8ball.
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