I got accepted!!!
Kyetge! @kyetge
commented on
I got accepted!!!
Kyetge! @kyetge
I'm not old enough to drink! xD
megachoji @megachoji
commented on
I got accepted!!!
megachoji @megachoji
Hm.....maybe sparkling fruit juice then? Either white or red grape?
tobitairu @tobitairu
commented on
I got accepted!!!
tobitairu @tobitairu
Kyetge, when you said you've been walking on sunshine, I had this image in my head of your anime self running down a hillside with flowers going past in slow motion.
This tells me I've been watching too much anime.
Or not enough.
.... Not enough.
Congrats ^_^
iToxicMochii @itoxicmochii
commented on
I got accepted!!!
iToxicMochii @itoxicmochii
= u=)b
Kyetge! @kyetge
commented on
I got accepted!!!
Kyetge! @kyetge
I'm so happy from the last acceptance letter that when my dad tried to film me to get my reaction to being ACCEPTED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, I had no face. :D It came in the mail yesterday... that same night, a UCLA student called and was trying to convince me to not go to USC! :o
I'll be checking for acceptance from UC Berkeley today when everyone's home to see my good/bad reaction.
-does the happy dance- I cannot contain my glee.
megachoji @megachoji
commented on
I got accepted!!!
megachoji @megachoji
Try to see if they'll give you a free ride if you don't go. *wrings hands together menacingly* If you play your cards right, who knows what will happen. Also, on a side note, you're awesome! A ronin's grades like mine must be nothing compared to your grades.
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
commented on
I got accepted!!!
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
This account has been suspended.
megachoji @megachoji
commented on
I got accepted!!!
megachoji @megachoji
That's the thing though, if you get content, you get complacent. If you get complacent you won't seek improvement. If you don't seek improvement then there's no hope of advancement. Even the go with the flow attitude means that there is still progression.
probably_a_weeabo @probably_a_weeabo
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I got accepted!!!
probably_a_weeabo @probably_a_weeabo
I know I don't know you but- COngrats! :D
Gudmoore @gudmoore
commented on
I got accepted!!!
Gudmoore @gudmoore
May be late but congrats! I'm happy for you!
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