cosplayer couples

myinnerdemon18 @myinnerdemon18
cosplayer couples
myinnerdemon18 @myinnerdemon18
All my friends have found someone. Im starting to feel lonely. So im hoping to to find someone.

canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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cosplayer couples
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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talamar @talamar
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cosplayer couples
talamar @talamar
Well I personally would love to find a gal that would love to cosplay with me. But am not holding my breath. If ithappens woot if not oh well. But would be so fun to like do a great classic couple like KeitaroxNaru or maybe ParnxDeedlit or even one of the great nee shows like KiratoxAsuna. Would just make the whole cosplay thing that much more fun. Just my two cents.

canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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cosplayer couples
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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talamar @talamar
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cosplayer couples
talamar @talamar
Yea I hear ya. While I really would like to find that special someone I personally am fine right now by myself. Yea ya need to just Mellow out a lil bit and stop focusing on what ya don't got and focus on what ya do. Cause that is usually when ya find that thing ya want. Like Bettername said be happy for yer friends and just relax.

myinnerdemon18 @myinnerdemon18
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cosplayer couples
myinnerdemon18 @myinnerdemon18
You know if dont be jerks about it

talamar @talamar
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cosplayer couples
talamar @talamar
I wasn't being a jerk. I just said ya usually find it when ya least expect it. Nothing mean or spiteful.

Lord Arsenic @lordarsenic
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cosplayer couples
Lord Arsenic @lordarsenic
It would be my dream to do a cosplay with someone whom I'm romantically involved with~ I plan on making a Hyououin Kyouma cosplay one of these days, and a girlfriend who cosplays as Mayushii would make everything all the better! Only problem is I hate Dr. Pepper. So I'll stick with "not Dr. Pepper!"

moonlightjazz @moonlightjazz
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cosplayer couples
moonlightjazz @moonlightjazz
Awww yeah I know what you mean, it would be a lot of fun to go to a con as a cosplay couple!

Luki @luki
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cosplayer couples
Luki @luki
I'm with you! Though, it's not really a lonely thing and more of a.. agh! I just have so many couple ideas! So far I settled on dressing up my sister and her boyfriend to get my outlet but..pfft! I want to join in on the fun too~ Ah well. My OTP shall wait!
Don't let it bum you out, OP! It shouldn't be the only reason you're looking for that special someone, but hey, like talamar said, it definitely makes things alot more fun.
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