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Appears to have a flair for writing and using emoticons (elsewhere on this site). Only a year older than me.
Didn't know who Tina Fey was (which made me sad face)
^ LOVE the pillow/beanbag cat. So cute! :3
^ Has opened my eyes to life by the use of Weird Al
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This account has been suspended.
Loli chan the lord of the lolis. A enigma and a intersting person to hear on the forums. Always has a nice piece to say. Now for a hint of randomness more like half the bottle On the matter of god theres only one true god accept it or not helix is your almighty truth giver, protector etc. He rescued you when you got trapped in that dungeon with no escape rope and when you ran out of repel dealing with all those zubat dang low leveled nuisances. He will always guide you forever. Oh helix you are my lord your round and shiny dome So magical like a ancient tome Oh helix protect us all
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