Soul Eater: Crona's Gender

Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
Soul Eater: Crona's Gender
Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
Crona's Gender was never specified. It's pretty obvious to me. But I wanna know what you think.

mauddib1226 @mauddib1226
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Soul Eater: Crona's Gender
mauddib1226 @mauddib1226
Crona was a boy, im pretty sure.

altru556_c @altru556_c
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Soul Eater: Crona's Gender
altru556_c @altru556_c
From some of the camera angles I've seen, I believe that Crona was a girl.
Still not sure, but it's my best bet

Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
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Soul Eater: Crona's Gender
Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
Oh hi hi I believe Crona is a boy!!! Some Camera angles can be deciaving, but Crona was not supposed to have a chest since the author was trying not to reveal it
And here is my justification!!

Phoenix @animecountryboy
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Soul Eater: Crona's Gender
Phoenix @animecountryboy
Crona is a boy

batmatt91 @batmatt91
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Soul Eater: Crona's Gender
batmatt91 @batmatt91
Crona a boy.

simonwest @simonwest
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Soul Eater: Crona's Gender
simonwest @simonwest
yep definitely a boy

talamar @talamar
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Soul Eater: Crona's Gender
talamar @talamar
In Japanese the Gender of Crona was never told. But in english he was referred to as a HE. So it is your call. I think they left it ambigous in manga and Anime in Japanese up till the end. But in English def was a BOY!

dantalion @dantalion
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Soul Eater: Crona's Gender
dantalion @dantalion
I believe that Chrona is an intersex.

satomu @satomu
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Soul Eater: Crona's Gender
satomu @satomu
Chrona is a girl....
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