Any anime artist on here?

FukboiFrasia @frasia2162
Any anime artist on here?
FukboiFrasia @frasia2162
I was wondering, are any of you on here anime/normal artist
And when i say artist, I mean Actual drawings that are yours, not just replicas of anime pictures you see online. I have seen so many people saying they are artist but the only pictures they have/upload are their replicas of scenes from animes.
But you don't have to be a god/goddess or drawing, but draw your own pictures, heck, EVEN STICK FIGURES WITH ANIME EYES WILL DO!I just want to see if any of you are on here. Also to see of you have a deviant art/image sharing site.
:3 maybe one day we could do an art trade or something .( if that okay with you guys)

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
commented on
Any anime artist on here?
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
I was getting real good about doing my own comic/manga
But the lazy force is strong with this one
Though here is a thread where lots of us posted our DA's

FukboiFrasia @frasia2162
commented on
Any anime artist on here?
FukboiFrasia @frasia2162
:3 okay.

Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
commented on
Any anime artist on here?
Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
I am!! I AM!!!
Dont put my website in google it wont show up and dont forgwt the dash

FukboiFrasia @frasia2162
commented on
Any anime artist on here?
FukboiFrasia @frasia2162
@kawaiiAttack, You art is ADORABLE!

Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
commented on
Any anime artist on here?
Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
X3 Thanks people say that a lot, I dont see it though ♪(´ε` )

tackyglue @tackyglue
commented on
Any anime artist on here?
tackyglue @tackyglue
I dont update as frequently as i use too. I take up too many projects at once. DX however my most recent is posted on my page here. :P

KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
commented on
Any anime artist on here?
KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
Gonna be updating this with semi-old stuff in the near future. Just busy right now.

FukboiFrasia @frasia2162
commented on
Any anime artist on here?
FukboiFrasia @frasia2162
Okay! I'll watch you guys >w<

Chibi @soni_chibi
commented on
Any anime artist on here?
Chibi @soni_chibi
I'mma artist, too~ :3 Artists unit~ I'm YamakaiYoko on dA~
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