St. Louis?

kittykatastrophe @kittykatastrophe
St. Louis?
kittykatastrophe @kittykatastrophe

ChibiLlama @chibillama
commented on
St. Louis?
ChibiLlama @chibillama
I'm moving down there in the next year... does that count? xD

Sephiroth @sephiroth
commented on
St. Louis?
Sephiroth @sephiroth
I come by for all the St. Louis cons, ^_^

HAPPY_POOP @happy_poop
commented on
St. Louis?
HAPPY_POOP @happy_poop
i work in stl every day im one of the horse carriage drivers

chipuplover @chipuplover
commented on
St. Louis?
chipuplover @chipuplover
I live right outside St. Louis, in Ofallon Mo

Sanya Misaki @sanyamisaki_chan
commented on
St. Louis?
Sanya Misaki @sanyamisaki_chan
i live in stl, i need to find something fun to do here though

chipuplover @chipuplover
commented on
St. Louis?
chipuplover @chipuplover
For everyone looking to do something in St. Louis, Bishiecon is coming up really soon. December 17-18 at the Crown Plaza in Clayton. There's a singles meet and greet. :)

digicharat @digicharat
commented on
St. Louis?
digicharat @digicharat
I'm not too far from St. Louis either. ^^

KenpachiZaraki @kenpachizaraki
commented on
St. Louis?
KenpachiZaraki @kenpachizaraki
Wassup, I'm in STL, how are the kons in the area, Kawa-kon and there's one other, anyone been? Anyone been to the one in KC? Desu-kon?

godhead @godhead
commented on
St. Louis?
godhead @godhead
i live in saint louis missouri!!! :)
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