Am I really an Otaku?
Tiger Festival @animeboy
Am I really an Otaku?
Tiger Festival @animeboy
I'm having a tough time determining if I'm really an Otaku or not. Recently I've been neglectful on watching anime and reading manga. I don't like watching subbed anime and will refuse to watch it even of someone else asks me to watch it with them(seeing most otakus like em subbed) I seem to lost some of my mojo, I was watching a certain magical index and Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt(funimation dubbed) Then dropped them suddenly, not sure why :/ What's with me recently? Anyone else feel this way?
talamar @talamar
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Am I really an Otaku?
talamar @talamar
Soke folks do just lose interest. Happens in a lot of things. Sports, gaming, schooling, reading. Some folks just lose the drive or passion they had for something. Just means your headed in a new direction.
Cecil @cecil
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Am I really an Otaku?
Cecil @cecil
I honestly consider myself a gamer far more than an otaku. I was much more of an otaku about 10 years ago, but that kind of evolved into my gaming side more. I'd say I'm a casual anime watcher and really don't go out of my way to watch a lot of stuff. I'm not one to download the latest fansubs of the new stuff coming out of Japan every week like I was several years ago. :P
tobitairu @tobitairu
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Am I really an Otaku?
tobitairu @tobitairu
It could also be, Tiger, that you're just burned out on anime right now. Otaku don't necessarily have to watch things religiously to maintain their "title". When you watch too much and start to get tired of it, do something else for a few months. Watch live action shows, dink around on the internet, play games, draw, go outside, whatever. Come back to it after a while. If it's still dull, then you have your answer. If it goes back to being fun and entertaining, so too do you have your answer. I've burned out before, it just takes a little time for my head to recover enough to handle it again.
KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
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Am I really an Otaku?
KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
I agree with tobitairu. I've gotten burned out on an activity or whatever and had to take breaks from it so I could come back later to enjoy it. I consider myself an otaku but I don't watch a ton of stuff or read too much manga lately. When I do either, it's sort of a treat and a break from school/homework. Kinda like how I have to take a break from certain foods if I eat too much of it in a short span of time. I do that so I can reset and not hate eating that food with a memory of getting sick on it. Take things in small amounts or take a break and return then you can make a better judgement.
xueli @xueli
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Am I really an Otaku?
xueli @xueli
I still consider myself a gamer even though I haven't turned on my consoles for anything other than netflix for about 3 months now. There's a lot of reasons why people go through cycles of things, it's a natural process
mrmanguy15 @mrmanguy15
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Am I really an Otaku?
mrmanguy15 @mrmanguy15
Pretty much agreeing with everyone above, you just lose interest in some things. Sometimes for a few days, or maybe just altogether. With me I've done that with drawing on more than one occasion ( kind of coming out of one right now actually), and a few times with mecha. As much as I love robots, you just get to that point where you're like "Oh my god, I'm getting sick of seeing all these technicolor monstrosities duke it out with each other".
rawrriceball @rawrriceball
commented on
Am I really an Otaku?
rawrriceball @rawrriceball
How I really think of it is, as long you enjoy anime you're still an Otaku. You can be like me who watches anime whenever I want, but it's not really a big problem.
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