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♚PrincessRin♚ @princessrin
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♚PrincessRin♚ @princessrin
Anyone has a good anime to suggest? o:

Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
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Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
Well, do you mind retro anime or newer? What genres you like?

Yu @metaljester
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Yu @metaljester
Well lets see magi madoka and blue exorcist and sword art online for starts most people like that anime i would suggest some more of my favorites but you probably have heard of those but theres some for starter also try K

Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
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Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
I agree with MelalJester. Magi Madoka is pretty good. It is definitely not your normal Mahou Shoujo. Prepare to get punched in the face and kneed in the groin. Then slap your face and make you cry.

♚PrincessRin♚ @princessrin
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♚PrincessRin♚ @princessrin
Well to be honest, I like any kind of anime that actually captures my attention! Blue exorcist was okay, sword art online wasn't really my type, and I heard of Magi Madoka :D It's a good anime -thumbs up-. But I'm already done with it and I'm waiting for the next episode O.O!!
What would you guys like to watch?

ERROR @darkry1211
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ERROR @darkry1211
Uhm...I like "Saiyuki: Reload" it's pretty good.

♚PrincessRin♚ @princessrin
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♚PrincessRin♚ @princessrin
Oh, whoops. I thought you guys meant that new anime, Magi. But I definitely haven't heard of the one you suggested earlier, off to see it :D and i'll check out Saiyuki:Reload after! Thanks ^o^

Yu @metaljester
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Yu @metaljester
How bout angel beats

♚PrincessRin♚ @princessrin
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♚PrincessRin♚ @princessrin
Omg that anime made me cry! I wasted a tissue box for that show! T__T

Yu @metaljester
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Yu @metaljester
So did you like it then and if not that how bout some older ones like full metal panic cowboy bebop love hina mayby
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