....confession <:)

OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
....confession <:)
OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
.................okay i can't believe i'm going to do this but if i ever want a guy to accept me and point out the one who into me and the ones who aren't i needed to do this so i know which one doesn't care and which one do care about "it"..... so i won't get hurt......*sighs*....okay this is hard to do like really hard i actually log in and told myself this is the day!but now i feel frozen in place just a little scare on what people might react but i might find a good man in the end sooo since im open with my feelings it time for me to be open with my heart and i just got to get this off my chest..I got HPV....there i said it im positive and i got the death HPV where there cancer growing cells in me right now and give me cervical cancer and millions of women die each year by it and one day i might be one of those women soo if your texting me or decide to i just wanted you to know and i wanted everyone to know....sooo when you message me or talk to me you know you be making a choice.Please don't comment on how i got it and what happen thats another story and its too private to put down but please don't judge me for it i can't help it and i can't cure it so yeah please don't comment on too much about it or that your sorry. ^-^ you guys can take this topic anyway u want rather it was stupid or brave just however you see it just dont be sorry.

Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
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....confession <:)
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
I'm glad you are moving forward. Try to have a good life while you can.

Yu @metaljester
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....confession <:)
Yu @metaljester
To me that is a good thing for you to do you have put your secrets out in the open without regard to others thoughts to me that is true bravery and courage and your a good person for it the lesson to learn is always enjoy life no matter what you do no matter what happens find time for yourself and enjoy the time you do have

canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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....confession <:)
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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Yu @metaljester
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....confession <:)
Yu @metaljester
Yes it is true that type isnt always a death sentence which is why there could still be hope for you dont automatically think your going to die with something like this you could pull through and keep living life good

canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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....confession <:)
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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drmario @drmario
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....confession <:)
drmario @drmario
As mentioned above HPV doesn't necessarily mean you will get cancer. If you haven't already done so, I recommend doing some reading on it. If you don't know the type you have, find out because that makes a big difference. It is also important to have regular check ups because cervical cancer doesn't cause many noticeable symptoms until late. If there's something you want to know but can't find the answer just PM me and I'll find it for you. And of course you can always ask your physician.

VigeoRae @vigeorae
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....confession <:)
VigeoRae @vigeorae
And the men.. get the HPV vaccine also..

VigeoRae @vigeorae
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....confession <:)
VigeoRae @vigeorae
I give you major kudos for being strong enough to come out and say something that personal. Most people are not taking it serious enough and I want to smash their face into the pavement. I know how you feel. The scariest part for a lot of people is the "I Did Get the HPV shot, but it didn't protect me? WTF DOC!?!?!" or even specifically the gardisal shots.. now that was a load of crap! They advertised it as it protected against ALL HPV when in fact it protects against only 20 (the deadliest ones) out of the hundred and some strains out there.. (there's a lawsuit going on about it). All I can stress is to keep up on your doc appointments, hygiene, pay attention to how your body is feeling (some people can feel differences, swelling, irritation, ect). I know that maybe some people feel "untouchable" after they find out that they have it but it will be all right. There's support groups if need be, ect.
This next part is a bit detailed info so I apologize ahead of time, but be careful of sexual body fluids. It CAN spread through the mouth from oral sex.
And if it makes you feel any better, at least it's not aids, or something terminal. HPV is manageable. =)
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