What about Arizona?

bakemono @bakemono
What about Arizona?
bakemono @bakemono
Feeling pretty friendless down in the desert here. I need a new friend to talk about anime with. :)

Pyrope2269 @dream_in_technicolor
commented on
What about Arizona?
Pyrope2269 @dream_in_technicolor
Super late for a reply, but I just joined and I live down here in the hot desert haha.

bakemono @bakemono
commented on
What about Arizona?
bakemono @bakemono
Haha me too well at least part of the desert its terribly hot

Pyrope2269 @dream_in_technicolor
commented on
What about Arizona?
Pyrope2269 @dream_in_technicolor
Haha, well are you planning on going to any cons? I am going to PCC so we might see eachother if you go.

bakemono @bakemono
commented on
What about Arizona?
bakemono @bakemono
No not for a while I have to much school to think about :/

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
commented on
What about Arizona?
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
I'm a lil' farther north in the not so hot desert XD
So what anime's are we all watching right now?

The Ninja of the North @zachary
commented on
What about Arizona?
The Ninja of the North @zachary
Im from northern arizona, whats up people? :) haha

sarahdemona @sarahdemona
commented on
What about Arizona?
sarahdemona @sarahdemona
From west valley, and with summer temp reaching 100+ I'll consider the area to be a heated wasteland. :P All joking aside, it's nice to know that there are some other Arizonians that are open to anime.

alikra @alikra
commented on
What about Arizona?
alikra @alikra
Born and raised AZ. here Hi.

mannie @mannie
commented on
What about Arizona?
mannie @mannie
Some what northern part of AZ
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