OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
who wants my number?=) message me this is a dating site!!!!!!!!I WANT A OTAKU RELATIONSHIP!X)
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
commented on
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
Temptation so high
But the age difference is over 9000~!! ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
This account has been suspended.
OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
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OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
=_=- wow...thanks you too atleast im trying so give me a point for that!xD...age is just a number btw.dont mock me!!im tired of being the "friend"
talamar @talamar
commented on
talamar @talamar
I give her props. Least she knows what she wants. Cannot fault her for that. And like she says age is just a number if you are both consenting adults. Although might be movin bit fast for some folks taste. I might offer to say skype or swap emaik s first befor tossing my number out there.
OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
commented on
OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
...........you..guys...are..thinking..too..hard..on...this lol....put..yourself out there!!!!=) RISKS!!!!....heh..skype video chats then...texting and phone calls?o please skype is faster than giving your number out.x3 texting is the best to know someone or phonecalls but if you guys arent interested just say so just dont comment and judge me.
talamar @talamar
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talamar @talamar
not jusgeing you and Never said the video chat thing you just assumed that.. can talk via the messaging system without throwing your phone number out there to random strangers. Not everyone is sane and might get clingy stalker types. Had it happen to me in a MMORPG I played I was nice to a girl online and gave her my number and she came to my state from halfway across country and stalked me outside my home.. so am not judging you just protecting myself. So Will not bother Yas anymore was just an Opinion not a judgement.
OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
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OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
......ummm...sooo you gave her your number and she just magically knew your address and just proof there? i know what your getting at but you didnt have to write so much none of you guys it was a yes or no question not a "talk about her like shes not going to read it" thing cause i get notifications too you know....and im not throwing my address and i can block numbers so yeah im pretty sure im safe but..serious i didnt need to know all that from you guys thats judging me robscene thinks im too young or hes too old for me and cantthinkofabettername is just using it to a joke..and pretty much told me to fuck off in a nice way did i deserve it no..i didnt but anyways thanks for the story of your life it was interesting and very common theses days ^^" mmorpgs r the best!mabinogi is cool but thats not what this topic about
Tiger Festival @animeboy
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Tiger Festival @animeboy
^ Sorry for the way some of these guys are acting. Their just young guys :P aside from that I'm sure there are some guys around here who'd be more than happy to exchange numbers with you *Cough Simon San,Rez & Cecil Cough*
Anyway good luck on your search.
ロイ @wallace614
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ロイ @wallace614
Im interested since we both live in california
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