VigeoRae @vigeorae
VigeoRae @vigeorae
Just trying to find out if anyone is on the facebook groups? Tokyo Otaku Mode? Otaku Mall? Otaku USA Magazine? Anything of that sort?
Cecil @cecil
commented on
Cecil @cecil
I'm apart of a few facebook groups, but none of those otaku specific ones. There is a maiotaku facebook group on there I'm apart of though.
Rezikai @rezikai
commented on
Rezikai @rezikai
Hmmm i subscribe to Tokyo Otako Mode and Otaku USA magazine, I also follow AmiAmi for my figure wants/needs as well as a little maid cafe in LasVegas i visited called Anime Ramen. ... oh and anything Metalgear solid/Hideo Kojima.
VigeoRae @vigeorae
commented on
VigeoRae @vigeorae
Awesome Rezikai, I just checked out the cafe and AmiAmi. Those are some really awesome figures. :)
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