Anything by Miyazaki

Sephiroth @sephiroth
Anything by Miyazaki
Sephiroth @sephiroth
Who else loves anything they've seen by Miyazaki so far?

Emerald Revolver @outlawrenegade
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Anything by Miyazaki
Emerald Revolver @outlawrenegade
<font color="red"> Spirited Away and Kiki's Delivery Service. i want to see Ponyo but never had time to see it yet. </font>

Sephiroth @sephiroth
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Anything by Miyazaki
Sephiroth @sephiroth
I could watch Howl's Moving Castle over and over and over again. I need to get a copy, lol. I also got to see a midnight screening of Ponyo - it was very sweet, and looked visually stunning.

ShadowbladeEdge @shadowbladeedge
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Anything by Miyazaki
ShadowbladeEdge @shadowbladeedge
To offer the rare bit of descent on the topic, I don't care for any of his movies. Pirncess Mononoke's the best I've seen thus far and it was only pretty good.

konachan @konachan
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Anything by Miyazaki
konachan @konachan
Miyazaki is my icon! I love his drawing and for christmas this year I got a Miyazaki art book with all his sketched and even the script for howls moving castle. I feel like I should stage a play.

princessofheart @princessofheart
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Anything by Miyazaki
princessofheart @princessofheart
My favorite Miyazaki movie would be a tie between Howl's Moving Castle and Spirited Away, both just enchant me everytime I watch them.

Shugo2540 @shugo2540
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Anything by Miyazaki
Shugo2540 @shugo2540
Howls moving castle is my favorite.

Piecake @piecake
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Anything by Miyazaki
Piecake @piecake
Nausicaa - valley of the wind, anyone?

LiyanaSilverleaf @liyanasilverleaf
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Anything by Miyazaki
LiyanaSilverleaf @liyanasilverleaf
I love all of Miyazaki's works. Princess Mononoke, Howl's Moving Castle, Ponyo, and Spirited Away are my favs.

xxx @__removed_cherryblossom555
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Anything by Miyazaki
xxx @__removed_cherryblossom555
Spirited Way is my favorite...I've seen most Miyazaki films and the artwork is always perfect...though the story lines seem to wander or get confusing...I liked Howl's Moving Castle, but the plot was just all over the place for me...Kiki's Delivery Service is so sweet..if I get a cat, I want to name it Gigi >_<
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