Wisconsin, Minnesota, or Illinois?

Kyfl gf kydky @kendell7277
Wisconsin, Minnesota, or Illinois?
Kyfl gf kydky @kendell7277
Im right on the Minnesota boarder of wisconsin and looking for people in the area. im from Illinois and visit often enough so yeah anyone? :)

Cecil @cecil
commented on
Wisconsin, Minnesota, or Illinois?
Cecil @cecil
I'm from western wisconsin myself but don't see to many people in this area on here outside of the cities. Most Wisconsin people I've seen on here are from the southern or eastern half of the state.

Kyfl gf kydky @kendell7277
commented on
Wisconsin, Minnesota, or Illinois?
Kyfl gf kydky @kendell7277
the closest city im near is hudson and right past there is the twin cities in minnesota. but yeah from the looks of it we're nearly alone haha

Cecil @cecil
commented on
Wisconsin, Minnesota, or Illinois?
Cecil @cecil
I live in Eau Claire myself. Were more or less regarded by the rest of WI as that one town with the weird name you pass by on your way to Chicago or Milwaukee from the twin cities. :P

Kyfl gf kydky @kendell7277
commented on
Wisconsin, Minnesota, or Illinois?
Kyfl gf kydky @kendell7277
haha i have friends going to stout so i know the area surprisingly

zzzzxxxyyy @meiygan
commented on
Wisconsin, Minnesota, or Illinois?
zzzzxxxyyy @meiygan
I'm in the eastern suburbs for the twin cities. I'm in Wisconsin a lot though, most of my family lives right on the western side by you guys :)

Cecil @cecil
commented on
Wisconsin, Minnesota, or Illinois?
Cecil @cecil
Hey, we're not completely alone! Just kinda sorta over on this end of the country! XD

Kyfl gf kydky @kendell7277
commented on
Wisconsin, Minnesota, or Illinois?
Kyfl gf kydky @kendell7277
yay us lol and nice to meet you meiygan haha :) now we have 3 ppl from the area woohoo are we popular now :P lol

VigeoRae @vigeorae
commented on
Wisconsin, Minnesota, or Illinois?
VigeoRae @vigeorae
Twin Cities here!

junokami @junokami
commented on
Wisconsin, Minnesota, or Illinois?
junokami @junokami
Northern IL Here, I'm a corn field commando lol
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