How is everyone today in this cold weather

Mio @syaoran91
How is everyone today in this cold weather
Mio @syaoran91
Hi im happy to be in this community and i wanted to be a bit more active so i just wanted to make a post and ask how is everyone doing today, a for in California its pretty cold and i had to take refuge under my blankets

missladyebe @missladyebe
commented on
How is everyone today in this cold weather
missladyebe @missladyebe
its cold and cloudy here in were i am i miss the sun :(

animelover1984 @animelover1984
commented on
How is everyone today in this cold weather
animelover1984 @animelover1984
cold in the desert!

Mio @syaoran91
commented on
How is everyone today in this cold weather
Mio @syaoran91
Im sorry to hear that you guys, but hey gotta make the best out of everything.
what anime are you guys planning to watch if any?
im planning to keep watching one piece and my little sister cant be this cute, and maybe finish up kino journey

animelover1984 @animelover1984
commented on
How is everyone today in this cold weather
animelover1984 @animelover1984
I just finished up Berserk. Not sure what I'll get into next. A friend of mine put Gundam Endless Waltz on my hard drive. Guess I'll give that a go. Never seen any of the multiple Gundam series out there so I'm hopin I won't be too lost

Mio @syaoran91
commented on
How is everyone today in this cold weather
Mio @syaoran91
If your still taking suggestions i would reccomend
Tsubasa resevoir chronicles
usagi drop
Sword art online
eden of the east
and finally elfin lied
those are my most favorite of all just passing on these titles

Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
commented on
How is everyone today in this cold weather
Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
Oh!! I LUV tsubasa and Im horrible today T_T Today sucks i wish it was tommorrow

Mio @syaoran91
commented on
How is everyone today in this cold weather
Mio @syaoran91
One step at a time, things tend to get better even when things seem at there worst, just remember theres still many thing to be happy about and things to look towards, words easier said then followed but still if you do nothing you wont get far ^____^
I also love tsubasa i love syaoran and sakura

Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
commented on
How is everyone today in this cold weather
Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
Thanks for the advice ^^ and I luv Syaoran and Salura too!! X3

Mio @syaoran91
commented on
How is everyone today in this cold weather
Mio @syaoran91
im glad you do, i love spreading tsubasa around and having people enjoy it
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