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What's the reason you're single?

It was really interesting reading other peoples reasons for being single. To be honest mine are very similar. My previous relationship was with a girl that expected me to always understand her, ´be there for her, never cheat on her. NEVER CHEAT ON HER. but then I find her cheating on me with not just someone. But with my rival..kind of. It was with the biggest asshole of the entire world. Long story short she didnt understand whats the big deal but I just never talked to her again. I am afraid something like that could happen again if I let someone too close to me. My very nature is the one of someone who is always careful and doesnt blindly trust people. So it was even harder for me to get past this betrayal. I can say that I would never betray someone I care for. I cant say that of any other person besides me. Also I dont see why I necessarily need a girlfriend. I dont really care anyway. I never understood why other dudes are so desperate to get a girlfriend. I can understand its a biological reason mostly but I guess nature has given me the character of someone who just doesnt care enough to be depressed about it. But I registered here because I found the idea interesting of meeting someone who is as much of a anime fan as I am.
Robots don't possess the cognitive ability to produce emotions required for a relationship. *insert mechanical sob*
I've admit to having those typical momentary emotional crashes, feeling insignificant and ugly because I don't have a guy in my life, etc., but it's more of a self-worth issue as far as I've seen and experienced. A lot of girls are accused of being "cold fish" when they don't immediately dive into a relationship or feel unattractive and undesirable when there aren't any guys showing interest, and I blame the way kids are raised these days and have been raised since Day One. Girls get baby dolls to raise and take care of. They get stupid, sappy chick flicks. Their music is always peppy and optimistic and "I'm so beautiful; he's so hot". Boys get trucks and buff action figures, cartoons and shows in which the hero always gets the girl, and their stereotypical music is either loud, violent and depressing or "I have a girl, I bang her every night and that's how G-d intended it to be." Boys are trained to work, provide and feel entitled while girls are trained to be caring, giving of themselves and the perfect little vessels of morale support. That's the way it's always been. Then we go to school. I was lucky enough to skip this step, the step when everybody's either screwing with somebody else or pretending they are so they don't feel left out. Girls are either sluts or prudes or invisible; boys are either jocks, nerds or homicidal pyromaniacs. Those who don't lose their virginity hear about their friends losing it and wonder whether it's a good thing or a bad thing that they haven't lost theirs yet. Suddenly, the boys realize they're not that buff superhero they always wanted to be, and girls realize that being a desirable person is way harder than they were led to believe. Then comes college. If you're like me, you're watching all of your friends either dating each other and flooding Facebook about how happy they are or getting married and not even inviting you to the wedding. You're the one with the hoodie sitting in the corner, watching everybody else talk about their boyfriends and husbands and girlfriends and wives and how happy they are, while in the meantime you're doing your best to fool them into thinking you're the same way, because the moment you admit, "I'm single and technically always have been," they freak out and promise to get you a boyfriend ASAP. It's a staple of universal culture. It sucks, but it's there to stay. Single guys end up feeling stupid and weak; single girls end up feeling ugly and unwanted. That's how we're raised and programmed. I could be wrong and I'm totally willing to admit that everything I've said is a gross generalization of a very complicated and personal subject. It's a hypothesis, and hypotheses are meant to be tested and disproved.
Sad_Robot, your statement made me think of this song... XD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxEbI71MxG0
At first, earlier in life, it was due to my skin color. Now it's slowly becoming not meeting other peoples' ridiculous standards and/or my kindness and friendliness scares people away. ~T
robots do posses feelings, havent u ever seen the movie artificial intelligence? :D
Jan 05, 14 at 9:31pm
From what I've been told it's my looks sometimes. Then again I live in an area where most people are ghetto so there's that =/
Every girl I've dated I have only dated for 3 months and I cut 'em loose cause they are boring or not geeky enough XD
@The Curious Kills That was a wonderful wall of text, I enjoyed every single letter from it :'D
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