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What's the reason you're single?

So what would your right guy be like rika
Faithful, ambitious, protective, kind, funny, loves anime. Ugh! I can like go on and on with a list of things but truthfully, I don't really know what I want. That's why I'm waiting. lol. I scare most guys away with my tears but I'm working on myself. And maybe one day I'll find someone that'll help me move past the issues I'm having trouble with. At least I hope so ^_^
Well i think you just described me right there but aside from that time and patience pays off
because I choose to be anime and food > everything I like being fat and eating XD
I also like to pick my boogers and wipe it on random people when they're not looking ^o^ And i walk around in a gorilla suit so maybe that has something to do with it as well
Did I mentioned that I play hentai the first time we arranged to meet at my place ^__^
I'm single because of several factors that, by themselves, wouldn't be such of a big problem. The chief of them is that I self-handicap every time something awesome *might* happen for me. I've been head-over-heels for a guy before, but in the end I've always chickened out and never admitted to liking them. I'm also way too trusting of those who don't deserve it, which has resulted in a somewhat unhealthy dose of paranoia. The third major problem is that I'm a Jew who practices Jediism. Christian guys won't come near me without trying to convert me and Atheists and Agnostics are usually too attached to bacon to give a shit about my personal views on the universe. Hindus are few and far between and the only Buddhist I ever met seemed to take pleasure in trying to make me feel guilty for being white (Thinking "WTF"? Yeah, so did I). I've also been told I'm too clingy, weird, and that I dress like a boy... Oh yeah, and I live in Texas, where (it seems like) every guy would rather have a blonde whore in daisy dukes than a bob-haired goth chick who likes foreign things. Color me a nonconformist, haha.
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