Neeeeeew Yoooooooooork :3

Viral @viral
Neeeeeew Yoooooooooork :3
Viral @viral
<p>Anyone here from New York besides myself? xD</p?
<p>It's kinda weird how I live in the Bronx and yet I fit in perfectly with the community haha.</p>
<p>If you wan't to chat just send me a Friend Request while your at it ^_^</p>

OliveRiver @oliveriver
commented on
Neeeeeew Yoooooooooork :3
OliveRiver @oliveriver
I'm from New York! I Live in Manhattan

CosplayerBella @supercosplayersurrie91
commented on
Neeeeeew Yoooooooooork :3
CosplayerBella @supercosplayersurrie91
I'm from NY as well, I live up in the captial called Albany xD.

ninelives_ @lyricxdoe
commented on
Neeeeeew Yoooooooooork :3
ninelives_ @lyricxdoe
I live in the butt crack of Brooklyn o.e

NDA @zero21x
commented on
Neeeeeew Yoooooooooork :3
NDA @zero21x
Same Brooooklyn!

ninelives_ @lyricxdoe
commented on
Neeeeeew Yoooooooooork :3
ninelives_ @lyricxdoe
You have too much stalker potential, I might have to get rid of you. xD

NDA @zero21x
commented on
Neeeeeew Yoooooooooork :3
NDA @zero21x
o.O who

vanityxaffair @pandoraxx3hearts
commented on
Neeeeeew Yoooooooooork :3
vanityxaffair @pandoraxx3hearts
Gawd I hate N.Y.i rather live in New Mexico

frankycentaur @frankycentaur
commented on
Neeeeeew Yoooooooooork :3
frankycentaur @frankycentaur
hey! from Westchester, but I spend a lot of time down in NYC
how can you hate NY?..
shoot me a message if you're interested :o

frankycentaur @frankycentaur
commented on
Neeeeeew Yoooooooooork :3
frankycentaur @frankycentaur
hey! from Westchester, but I spend a lot of time down in NYC
how can you hate NY?..
shoot me a message if you're interested :o
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