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Forbiden Love

14 year olds shouldn't even be having sex... If the you knows the girl is underage then don't bang her! If she has a curfew she's too young. If her sneakers light up when she walks she's too young! If she can't have serious conversation about sex without giggling she's too young!!!
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Dec 11, 12 at 9:26pm
There are other potential legal changes that would avert some of those problems without changing the age of consent.
I-I have light up sneaker( well had) and I don't dress like a slut...I'm a good girl hmmph *whimpers* okay that's bs a woman can so rape a dude and all the teeny boppers in your state need to have chastity belts like right now!
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There are few "pure" teens nowadays... 7th graders are having sex in the school bathrooms... no joke that happened in my district.
Pround owner of mah virginity whoot whoot! Thug life,I didn't chose the thug life that shit chose ME
*high five* same here
I would really do anything for love. If they were under legal age of consent I would be happy to wait for them. Can keep things purely PG-13. Distance wise. If I truly cared about them I would be happy to do long distance. And travel to see them whenever I can. As far as crime for love. Idk how far I would go. Anything short of killing if it meant I would save their life. I guess I would be put to the test when the time actually came. Hard to say how far I would actually go until the time came
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