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Forbiden Love

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Well...thats just dandy
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I'm gonna flick you in the nose....
Dec 11, 12 at 7:49pm
OK well I'll go into a forbidden for age/dissaproval of a situation then,... I'd like to say I was like Masuji when I was younger and not go for under 18 girls, but the age of consent laws are hella-lax here in my state. And since I was in the highest rate of teenage pregnancy area in the midwest if not the US i let it ride.. anyways. Back in my early 20's I met this girl whom I thought was was well above the legal age. But wasn't, I tried to lay on the Rezikai charm only to find out she wanted to take the lead... which of course when shes holding my junk in front of me is hard to resist at 22 yrs of age. Anyways she turned legal a few months later and we had a decent relationship for a while before family disapproved and well, we agreed it'd be better for our lives if we slowly ground our relationship down and eventually have our lives go off in different directions to a point (we're still are good friends to this day). The issue was our families disapproval of our relationship, which in the eyes of most was bad, but she had been used to older men and her family wanted to get her away from them for men her own age. She's with a good man now still slightly older then her and shes living a decent life I'm told. But I'd still help her in a time of need for most anything if need be.
Nooo noo my virgin ears!! I dont even... nigga you need jesus in ya life!
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More like virgin eyes haha
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