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Religious rants

Also veru, i believe those who had not had a chance to learn about the gospel still goes to heaven. However, if you do have the chance to learn and outright reject it like those in here. Yeah they will go to hell, its up to people like us to try and save our fellow brothers and sisters from such a fate. Which is why im here doing so along with Dagger, while i dont agree with some of his views he is still trying to get some of you to convert. I feel like any form of christiany is still better than none. But if possible i would want them to not lean toward the false sects.
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May 28, 23 at 12:30pm
Strawman? I said Christianity is imbedded into our Gov which rules over us. Even if the constitution and law of the land isn't supposed to discriminate, we all know whose God they are talking about. Why did the pilgrams come here? What religious persecution were they escaping? What religion was established in the New World? No one has had to come into power using the Bible because it's always been the established power. Even if politicians fake it and aren't really Christian. Up until Obama it was something they really honed in on during the elections.
It is embedded in our governent yes but just as there are Christians in government there are also satanist, Buddhists, muslims, atheist. The government isnt controlled simply by christianity. Our government comprises of officials WE THE PEOPLE elected. If you dont like christian values in government dont vote that politican. It is your right, the bible has not been twisted in this day an age to put any ruling authority in our government. It does not promote one individual to rule us as he sees fit besides God and even then you dont even follow that so what is ur argument? How does our bible oppress you? It is the people who follow those values that people seem to have a problem with. All because we as civilized individuals find it morally unjust to kill an unborn child? Or that we disagree with homosexuality as you can see it breeds today the trans movement where women have been kicked out of their own sports and replaced with men. It is also crammed down the throats of children you can see the ongoing target pride debacle. Despite the backlash companies are STILL pushing it. Our bible has no affect on the depraved society they still seem to do as they seem fit. But as Christians we are going to oppose it because these are the laws set by God.
The message seemed kind of moral high ground-ish which wasnt my intent. I think everyone is entitled to live as they see fit. However you cannot blame christianity for your problems. Because like i said before despite our efforts its still happening. Its like you said this generation is starting to leave religion behind, which btw is what God predicted. Once the church has left the earth you will see he was right all along. I just pray within your lifetime you have a chance to repent and save yourself.
May 28, 23 at 1:19pm
You just took this in a whole different direction despite agreeing with what I said, but just out of curiousity... What U.S. politician identifies as a Satanist?
Currently? If we are talking like federal government none that i can find has publicly identified as satanist. If we are talking state owned such as schoolboard members or public officials some dabble in it.
May 28, 23 at 1:27pm
School board. Yeah def gotta keep their power in check before they come for us all. https://media.tenor.com/55It1q2xglUAAAAC/spongebob-silly-face.gif
Yeah the school board has been a runaway train lately.
Christians arent oppressed sympathizers Vs North korean toddler https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2023/05/28/north-korea-toddler-parents-jailed-for-life-after-being-caught-with-bible/amp/
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