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Religious rants

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May 27, 23 at 1:20pm
How about banning any crossdressing? Just curious since you were at one point with a guy who was transitioning. Right?
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May 27, 23 at 1:40pm
@daggerfella "I'd also like to say your opinion on what religion is is a little sophomoric." This is directed at me? Just what is my opinion of religion? I doubt you garnered a good idea of it by a response to Panda talking about religion used for fear and control of a populace. I spoke in simple terms to get to the point. But yes, where I was raised and quite frankly what made me start questioning religion is people saying absurd shit like so and so is going to hell because they are a Jahovah's Witness.
May 27, 23 at 1:47pm
I've seen goods and bads of Christianity. So I get what you are saying that there is wisdom in the Bible, but it's not all wise and good. I can't cherry pick and ignore the bad parts. It's not for me. But I'm not going to stop another person from believing something so long as they do no harm to others. I'm very live and let live with it all. My favorite person on the planet was a devout Christian. More devout than most I've known. It's just not for me. My brain doesn't work that way.
The First Amendment reads that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” The first part of that requirement (the Establishment Clause) means that not only should there be no official state church, but also that government should be prohibited from entangling itself in religious matters without a religiously neutral reason. Government shouldn’t take sides in support of one religion over another, or generally favor the religious over the nonreligious. Yet people are forcing those isn't Christians like Judaism, Islam, or other non- Christians to be Christians. I have coworkers who trying to forced atheists or agnostics to be Christian.
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Again like i said no one has come to power today due to religion. The bible has not changed or been twisted around to put anyone in power. Even the examples veru gave are grasping straws. You arent expected to bow before anyone due to the bible. Even the constitution gives you the freedom of religion my guy. It saying in God we trust doesnt mean its OUR God. Even if you dont believe in God how does that even effect you? You have the all seeing eye on the dollar as well which is masonic imagery you think that has anything to do with Christianity?
Also banning transgender and all that stuff is due to democracy. The people have VOTED for that to happen they werent placed into power based on a rule in the bible. They were voted by the people who wanted it. Again like the dude said he didnt believe in the bible because it could be altered to benefit someone. My counter argument is no one has been put in power because of this infact its the opposite people have risen up against christianity. Again a bunch of strawman arguments.
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