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Political rants

Dang man, I have become the same thing i promised to fight against. Im just saying most dudes typically want one thing. A nice woman who will love them unconditionally and be there for them. There are women who dont do this, and im just saying thats why you see alot of dudes heading the MGTOW route. Im not just pulling these fake people out of my ass either. Ghost literally posted a meme in his thread depicting this exact thing.
Jul 28, 21 at 8:53pm
Its hard to get in the same boat with a guy that praises Middle Eastern women's subservience and compliance when their social issues are still on a 3rd world level in some parts. Places still practice female genital mutilation and acid throw attacks, and women generally have less freedom. Of course they would be more subservient. These things happen in Africa and the South East, hell even the UK now has an acid attack problem (sure wonder why). So I agree with Arc, he's so self centered he could not even fathom this truth, or he's a moron.
You arent getting it ignore the actual misconduct. Yes i am aware it exists. It is an issue, it should not happen. He means the standards by which they live by. Monogamous, family oriented, and submissive. Not them being mutilated being ok. But it loops back into the point that those women have life hard. Yet the women here cry oppression. This isnt oppression what they have in the middle east is oppression.
Jul 28, 21 at 9:02pm
Anyways, if you think this guy is helping, you like him, so what on what I think, right? I see the issues between women, men, dating, marriage... the problem will fix itself. People will give in, settle, be more practical or they won't. Arc's dad is 60+, looks younger, but thinks he can still snag 20 and 30 year olds. And maybe he can, but they never last, because he refuses to settle and so do they.
Im not really sure if im the right guy to explain all of this or just the concept is one that is hard to grasp as someone who isnt affected by it. But the women here vs the women there the quality is much different. Thats why dudes marry these women from third wolrd countries because they actually appreciate you and what you have to offer vs women here who tell you that taking them to eat at red lobster is pathetic.
Jul 28, 21 at 9:04pm
Then get you one of those women and stop being upset at American women. The problem will fix itself.
Well the same can be said about any issue you feel strongly about. It will fix itself in time right? Just do nothing, let it happen. Because feminism over the years has gotten so much less toxic toward the common male. Becauae child support and custody greatly favors men. Im assuming my words mean nothing because you already have your mind made up. But yeah as a dude who has to deal with this its a big deal. Those who are lucky like you and arc arent the majority of us. The dating scene is getting worse.
Jul 28, 21 at 9:15pm
In 10-15 years when a large number of these men and women alike live with 1% standards in the 99%, either they will have deep regrets or double down. But all the nieces and nephews that grow up seeing their aunt or uncle living a single life while relationships are still romanticized, maybe things will correct itself. In the meantime, you need to do some foreign window shopping.
Arc @arc commented on Political rants
Jul 28, 21 at 9:22pm
Panda, I get what you mean about subservient women. These women from different countries are raised thinking that they are lesser than men. The first girl I ever dated was subservient to my wishes. I couldn't get her to decide on anything no matter how hard I tried. I had no debates, no intelligent discussion. She just agreed with me. That's what made me want to pursue a woman that could stand on my level. Trust me on this, Panda. You can get a smoking hot chick mail order bride from Ukraine and have some awesome sex and have her do whatever you command like a pet, but they are raised to not have their own freedom of thought. When you get old and that smoking hot mail order bride is too old, what do you have left? I dunno, I just find having somebody who keeps their head down and stays in line to be extremely boring. You can live the life of making a lot of money and banging hot chick's, but it's going to leave your soul empty in the end. Panda, based on what you say women typically demand from men, you just gotta stay way from them hoes. Most women I know would love to go to red lobster. If your date complains, tell em to f off. Easy peasy.
I mean i dated women sort of like that, while yes it gets boring pretty fast i rather a middle ground. Someone who can think for themselves but also submissive in a sense. Like im not asking for a slave but someone who is ok doing things that i wanna do. They dont have to agree 100% of the time. A happy medium is cool. Not someone who demands this this and this anytime i see a girl saying 6 ft anything thats an immediate turn off. I mean i am 6 ft but just hearing that is so shallow for me and i know its usually followed by a list of more unrealistic demands. I also practice what i preach because i have a preference and dated outside it as well. Veru seems kinda triggered by what im saying so imma lay off for a bit XD
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