World's oldest swords.
icymjp @icymjp
World's oldest swords.
icymjp @icymjp
So apparently they have uncovered the worlds oldest swords. Forged almost 5000 years ago. The interesting thing about them, they have the triforce on them. Wouldn't it be interesting if the Legend of Zelda games weren't just games, and instead a modern retelling of how humans came to live on the planet?
Phoenix @animecountryboy
commented on
World's oldest swords.
Phoenix @animecountryboy
that would be funny, but i doubt it lol they have proven there are ancient civilizations that dated farther back than we had ever imagined. we have evidence that ancient civilizations were wiped off the face of the earth.
Ushio @ushioryuusei
commented on
World's oldest swords.
Ushio @ushioryuusei
Wait what? Why am I only finding about this now! But, ah if only that coincidence was true.
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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World's oldest swords.
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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