Renovate with Flair: Bathroom and Home Upgrades That Impress
zabnabs29 @zabnabs29
Renovate with Flair: Bathroom and Home Upgrades That Impress
zabnabs29 @zabnabs29
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Highway Curly @forgetmenot
commented on
Renovate with Flair: Bathroom and Home Upgrades That Impress
Highway Curly @forgetmenot
I once again, do not have the proper material for this situation. This Hex Maniac shall have to suffice in place of random insults/death threats. And if she does not, those who think that way are maniacs, and not the fun, and sexy "Hex" kind of maniac. Edit: I really should have said "Hexy" .... Laugh now! I said laugh, dammit!
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