In Pursuit of Christ

Veru @verucassault
commented on
In Pursuit of Christ
Veru @verucassault
I've never been spiritually motivated. I wonder if the way people feel is the same way I feel when I start something new like yoga or biking. I approve of this though. You are documenting and sharing, a non-aggressive approach. Maybe that's why I gravitate to Eastern religions. The evangelica aspect of Christianity was always too aggressive, the violent Bible thumping is what drove me away to begin with.

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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In Pursuit of Christ
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
Well i mean i agree at times Christians can be a little too aggressive when preaching the word of God. But you have to remember these are people who are passionate about what they believe in and many times we are under attack and being oppressed. Some people staight up have a trash view on religion and use it for some sort of monetary gain or as a means to get ahead in life. Those are the prosperity gospel people. But i would look at religion like politics, you have one side who views the other as a bunch of people who are ruining the world with their policies, then you have the other side who thinks we are extremists. Overall i would say when it comes to Christianity they come with good intentions. But many atheists and nonbelievers go out of their way to disprove something we believe strongly about so you HAVE to fight back. Religion is dying out and alot of what the bible has prophesied is happening. In places like china they are completely rewritting the bible and in certain places they are completely burning down churches and slaughtering people.
I pray that you reconnect with God one day, i feel like its not as though you dont want to believe but more of like you grown to hate religion because of others. For many people who were once religious or had that background that isvthe case.

Veru @verucassault
commented on
In Pursuit of Christ
Veru @verucassault
I'm also antisocial and stubborn and the fact that you wish that for me makes me want to go the opposite direction. -_- Maybe it was because you took what I said and just completely "yeah, but"'d it LOL.

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
commented on
In Pursuit of Christ
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
I apologize if anything i did has ever come off as aggressive toward you. I really do want people get to know the LORD here. Ik im kinda preaching to the "wrong crowd" as i was told, but i dont see anyone as the wrong crowd becauss all have a chance to connect with God its not exclusive. At the end of the day whether you take what i say and run with it or just ignore it thats completely your choice. Totally not gonna tell you that you should listen to me. I just figured if ur here and engaged at least somewhat with what we are saying its worth a shot to see if i can get you to come back. If that makes you not interested im sorry. But again i pray for you anyway.

Veru @verucassault
commented on
In Pursuit of Christ
Veru @verucassault
Me trying to interact with a Christian.

yaasshat @yaasshat
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In Pursuit of Christ
yaasshat @yaasshat
It's all a little weird, ain't it? People in general, that is.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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In Pursuit of Christ
Gabriel @gabriel_true
September 2:
A small miracle happened today as a long time friend was facing a crisis of faith. I remember how 15 years ago they reached out to be my friend. As we spoke they often mentioned their faith. I never reproached them about it as I knew it was important to them and it was good enough for myself despite my difference of view at that time.
Even still our current world finds ways to chip at that faith. It attempts to blacken the brightest of hearts. To turn it from soft to hard. Time after time people come out of the wood works convinced that there needs to be scepticism or realism brought forth where the power of Christ is concerned.
They take genuine pleasure proving to themselves that it's hopeless with no regard with how that mentality weighs heavily upon those whose lives are truly difficult. Those with genuine disabilities that need God's support more than anyone. Yet my friend at times suffers the common sin of being human. Feeling pangs of loneliness and being disconnected from life's true purpose.
Christ's miracle to both of us was letting myself rekindle the Holy Spirit of a fellow Christian when they needed it most! It felt wonderful having that seed of trust which was planted within me years ago by my friend then bloom at the right moment to provide respite for her. God's will be done, amen!

Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
In Pursuit of Christ
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I had a parable moment with a fellow truck driver. As I was putting a trailer on a door in the yard one of its doors came unfastened swinging closed.
Seeing this the other driver calls out for my attention before any damage could be done. The man's truck had a design on it that said, "I Walk With Christ."
I tell the man as I go round back and fix the door open, "Thanks and may Christ bless you!" Hearing that the man scoffs, "I don't believe in no Jesus! This is my dumb*** cousin's truck. He has a crappy choice of design. My actual truck is in the shop because the engine blew and needs to be replaced. BUT ITS GOT A 10X BETTER PAINT JOB THAN THIS PIECE OF ****!"
At this point I think to myself, "Interesting that he doesn't find the irony he believes his 'BEAUTIFULLY DESIGNED PAINT JOB' with a busted motor isn't what's crap." He was speaking in a disparaging manner in regards to his cousin's faith and kindness lending him his $100,000 vehicle to keep his career and earn money to repair his own broke down truck.
If that's not the definition of Sin's Vanity I don't know what is.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
In Pursuit of Christ
Gabriel @gabriel_true
A good friend of mine lost his father in the exact same manner Bob Saget passed. His dad hit his head from a fall and the concussion took him in his sleep.
My friend is currently grieving and I offer a sincere prayer to Christ to support him through this tragedy.
"For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope."
--Romans 15:4 - ESV--

yuriechoes @yuriechoes
commented on
In Pursuit of Christ
yuriechoes @yuriechoes
I pretty much came back to Christ after going through the psych ward twice. It was like an awakening and I want to continue doing this.
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