lelouch vs yagami who would win
guilliano @guilliano
lelouch vs yagami who would win
guilliano @guilliano
both 2 guys at their mental peak to me it souds like a great story one has the deatnote and the other geass altoug both have limitations in the right hands those powers could becom pretty scary weapons
Phoenix @animecountryboy
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lelouch vs yagami who would win
Phoenix @animecountryboy
I would love to see that match... damn...
Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
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lelouch vs yagami who would win
Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
Damn just Damn i HAVE to see that ._. But I think Yagami would win......right?
Phoenix @animecountryboy
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lelouch vs yagami who would win
Phoenix @animecountryboy
If he knew lelouch's face and real name it would be over as soon as it started, if he did not lelouch would not be so stupid as to show his face and tell him his name
guilliano @guilliano
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lelouch vs yagami who would win
guilliano @guilliano
i also think it would be yagami however still its lelouch he is not one to be tricked easely plus he plans out the course of every event almost always whitout fail
- @machina
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lelouch vs yagami who would win
- @machina
Everyone knows him as Zero. So I don't think that light would be able to find him. Plus, if Lelouch reasearches possible suspects and goes around with the Geass in areas where he thinks Light could be found and commands people to "take me to Kira" He'll eventually get a lead.
Lamby @momoichi
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lelouch vs yagami who would win
Lamby @momoichi
depends who saw who first XD lelouch if it was just a chance meet :P but....
it takes a few seconds to work so lelouch wood make it so hed kill kira even after he dies (he being lelouch) so......theyd both win XD (if geass works after death o3o)
Lamby @momoichi
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lelouch vs yagami who would win
Lamby @momoichi
...change my answear to Lelouch XD...
guilliano @guilliano
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lelouch vs yagami who would win
guilliano @guilliano
i dont know man i do admit that lelouch has a beter weapon (geass) but in the end it would still be a battle of wits the only factor that would be unpredictable would be who got better luck at least that's what i think
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