New york city or New york

zeroe0 @zeroe0
New york city or New york
zeroe0 @zeroe0
i see members who have NY down but never really seem active.... am i cursed to be Forever Alone?

Yu @metaljester
commented on
New york city or New york
Yu @metaljester
No i will bring the masses to you with a teleporter lol

zeroe0 @zeroe0
commented on
New york city or New york
zeroe0 @zeroe0
DO IT! we can all get curry!

PassionOverLust @passionoverlust
commented on
New york city or New york
PassionOverLust @passionoverlust
Long island here, frequently in the city. I feel like a lot of ny people on these types of sites are never active.

MaliceRaven @maliceraven
commented on
New york city or New york
MaliceRaven @maliceraven
I feel like a pedo on this site so I avoided logging in for the first few months. I feel so old compared to the age range on this site.
Brooklyn here BTW

NDA @zero21x
commented on
New york city or New york
NDA @zero21x
brooklyn here i'll take emails since i dont visit the site often that or FB /skype

zeroe0 @zeroe0
commented on
New york city or New york
zeroe0 @zeroe0
totally just saw all these post lol. I'm from harlem
been active since my first day, comment on my page and i'll usually get back to you within that day, granted im not lost in video games and anime
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