Hello There
Maldoror @maldoror
Hello There
Maldoror @maldoror
Hello there. I'm new to this but it seems pretty cool so far! I'm hoping to meet some likeminded folk and make some friends. I live in the Worcester area of MA and regularly attend Animeboston and several other comic cons around the area. as you can also see I do cosplay! Currently I'm fixated on Star Wars based cosplay but I have some Jojo in the works.
Criselington @criselington
commented on
Hello There
Criselington @criselington
Ahhh you have said the magic summoning word "JoJos" soon you will be talking with the resident JoJo poster @forgetmenot
Curly-Molto @forgetmenot
commented on
Hello There
Curly-Molto @forgetmenot
Ahah! I have found you at last! I'm kidding, uh yeah, what he said. I'm like, basically the JoJo representative of MO
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
commented on
Hello There
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
I confirm
I, As the President of the MO NEIGHBOR ASSOCIATION, I welcome you to this site
Please let us know if you face any issue so we can beat the shit up of that dud
Amir @amir_bahram
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Hello There
Amir @amir_bahram
Gonna do this before Dyadka does
notpurple @notpurple
commented on
Hello There
notpurple @notpurple
Welcome to MO
RT @rtae86
commented on
Hello There
RT @rtae86
Welcome! o/
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