New out look

sapphireyes @sapphireyes
New out look
sapphireyes @sapphireyes
Forget my name if you can. We will never be the same this is the end. We can try but we will only fail. Life is not a happy fairy tale. You and I will never be. This is something I had to see. And now we act like strangers that never met. But trust when I say you are someone I will not forget. Even if I don't recall your name the feeling will always be the same. "I wish I could hate you, I want to hate you, I try to hate you, It would be so much easier if I did hate you. Sometimes I think I do hate you and then I see you and I know if I said I hate you it will be a lie to myself. Those who hate most fervently must have once loved deeply; those who want to deny the world must have once embraced what they now set on fire. I have nothing left to give I have found the perfect end you remain to make it hurt I'll dissapear in the dirt carry me to darkness arms and let me go take the time to take my breath I will end where I begin and I'll find the enemy within cause I can feel the darkness on my skin is this the way it's gotta be I'm cold and alone love tore me down hate lift me up turn around you feel nothing anymore more. "Time to stop feeling sad about what happen I can not change it so I got to move on from it and be a better person from doing so I will not feel sorry for myself anymore I can not go back in time and stop what happen so I just got to learn from it and make sure I do not do the same thing I will move on. Eyes of silence do not speak they keep everything bottled inside with a need their hearts seek do they feel love cry those eyes never tell you can gaze inside but you'll never see they live in their own hell what makes a person lock all emotions inside to be alone in their own minds never calling out to another fear makes them blind one day those eyes may call when loneliness overtakes fear itself love kills all doubt.

kirai_meiun @kirai_meiun
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New out look
kirai_meiun @kirai_meiun
Wow nice work sappie poo <3.

sapphireyes @sapphireyes
commented on
New out look
sapphireyes @sapphireyes
Thanks ^w^

foxdragon19 @foxdragon19
commented on
New out look
foxdragon19 @foxdragon19
This is so amazing I'm tearing up right now seriously this is some amazing work you've done.

sapphireyes @sapphireyes
commented on
New out look
sapphireyes @sapphireyes
Thank you. I work on it for like five hours trying to find all the right words is hard sometimes.

foxdragon19 @foxdragon19
commented on
New out look
foxdragon19 @foxdragon19
I can believe it thank you for sharing it~
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