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Mommy’s Music Hall

I like her voices in irony and deep sea girl those are my favs slow songs
@gdmh39 my twin likes listening to deep sea girl. I forget who she likes to listen sing it though lol
For me deep sea girl is best from miku XDDDD no one else UwU XDDDD since she is my religion and god soo… yeah,,, XDDDD
@gdmh39 of course you’d think so XD. You have a miku shrine? Sksksk
Ehem im building up to that… so yeah my wife would need to endulge that i have a shrine for her… XDDDD
@gdmh39 Well I wish you the best on the Miku shrine then XD
Yeah i need more figurines… and im aiming for a really special one… that i saw last year… but its cost soo god daymn much… but it looks so crazy good…
@gdmh39 yeah figurines can look really pretty. You have any Miku body pillows? Sksksk
This one cost about 400€… looks I know im crazy… but god daymn the figurine is so detailed… every detail is a reference to many very popular songs… it looks so gucci and in harmony… and i cant stop obsessing over it… but it god daymn cost soo much… haysss… Time to start my onlyfans. OnlyGD help me fundraise for my figurine UwU XDDDD
@gdmh39 That is really beautiful! I see why you want to get it... although please don’t be so desperate as to start an onlyfans XD. I’d love to give you money if I was rich but alas I don’t have the money... YET *cackles*
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