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Mommy’s Random Thoughts

Nov 30, 23 at 10:11am
@wei_ying I got this bed a little while ago. It's still very good and comfy. A nice bed is worth it. LIFERECORD Twin Mattress, 8-Inch Memory Foam Mattress in a Box Medium Firm, Green Tea & Cool Gel Infused, Fiberglass Free Mattress with Bamboo Cover, Made in USA https://a.co/d/4CD2xH2
@yaasshat I wouldn't blame you even if you did call it charity, I wouldn't get mad at that personally. And thank you for the offer, but I can't do that. I know you offered but I'd hate to take money from someone when I'll be just fine ^^, plus you have kids to spend that money on. Save the little or much you have on them and you/your fiancee (or wife now), I really do thank you though! So much, I do! @kuharido That bed looks nice. But it costs too much for me XD, I'll stick with what I can afford and ATM that's an air mattress. A bed is still a bed and I can sleep on it so I'm grateful, thank you for the help Ghost babe
https://gofund.me/65bd8296 *Ahem* Up to whomever... TBC...
(10:41 AM Fri.) Happy December 1st everyone! I hope this season is filled with delicious treats and plenty of hot chocolate for you all. Second and most importantly I'd like to thank anyone else on here that may have given money to help me get a bed. I apologize since my post wasn't made for anyone to think they had to give me money...but you all are truly appreciated and a blessing to my life. I'm about to get sappy again (as usual), but I know how much you guys talk about how "I'm doing this to this website," or how "She has been this to us." But you guys have been helpful to me as well ^^, I don't get to talk to many other people IRL but coming here to a place with many kinds of different beautiful people from all walks of life has been amazing for me. And even if you guys may wonder how a completely random woman on a website can love you, I do love you all, and your doubt or questions won't change that sksksk. Love you all and God bless this Christmas season ❤️
8:34 PM (Tue.) Hm? Is something weird happening with the website again or is it just me? I'm not getting my notifications and the posts I've made like a day or two ago have disappeared. How curious? https://media.tenor.com/K3LslQdLo04AAAAM/inugami-korone-hololive.gif
(11:15 AM Fri.) Had some delicious Pakistani curry and rice with two naan's for dinner yesterday. I've been wanting that for forever now and so it hit the spot, it's pleasing to know that I have leftovers and so sad to think of when it's gone XD
(12:44 PM Thu.) The 12th and 13th of December were really fun! On the 12th we had our annual game day, which is where my family play Christmas themed games leading up to the big game where we each get four gifts to choose from and roll our dice. Numbers 1 and 2 are switch gifts right/left, 3 and 4 is steal any gift and 5 and 6 are unwrap a gift you chose in the beginning or stole. There are many other games we play, but y'all don't care about those. Onto what my family did yesterday! We took our dad to an early birthday present which was a Christmas Story in theatres. He was so excited and it has been years since we went to see a movie together, oh, and it was a free movie cause our mom got tickets reimbursed from when she tried to take our grandma to the movies and they ended up not showing it. It was a nice day that we ended with Chick-fil-A, yum! (Edit: Oh! I also ended my night with my new mattress I received on the 11th of December (my twin also got a new one. Poor thing has been sleeping in a crater.) I am now moved from the ground onto my new mattress, it's been years since I had one. Thank you @yaasshat and everyone who pitched in once again.)
(2:35 AM Mon.) I am so tired! My family and I woke up at 9-something in the morning to prepare to go meet our aunts in Pennsylvania (one of whom it was her birthday on Sunday). Our mom was especially excited this time around cause her cousin was going to be there and she always wanted us to meet each other since they were really close when younger (still are). I honestly expected it to be awkward as we haven't stayed the whole day at their house before, but our aunt Jackie (the birthday woman) is extremely hilarious so our humor mixed well with her's and we had fun! We ordered Domino's and just basked in the relaxing atmosphere, which is I think what mainly started to make me really sleepy. My family and I just arrived home at 1:20-something in the morning. It was nice being at a relatives house and enjoying it again after many years, and while my siblings and I thought we wouldn't fit in at first, we did. And us being around the people our mom grew up around and having fun with them made her happy, so we're happy. And while there was a lot more that happened to my day, I'm tired, so good night. You guys please stay safe, happy, healthy and of course lovely as always ❤️ https://media.tenor.com/bgsShOpfjBEAAAAM/goodnight-cute.gif
(7:00 PM Wed.) Twas my second eldest brother's birthday yesterday, we had fun! He went birthday shopping yesterday last minute since he was trying to decide what he wants, he ended up choosing mini meatball subs with fries for appetizers and lasagna and salad for dinner. He got this Mexican soda brand called Jarritos, it's really delicious and the watermelon one tastes like a delicious candy! I also had fun watching my siblings play Soul Caliber VI on his PlayStation. Our dad even played with the birthday boy and we enjoyed our mom's delicious homemade dinner and Christmas specials
(7:54 PM Thu.) I'm bored and decided to do an anime quiz (what would my role be in an anime). I got the antagonist XD, but I did have to skip a lot of answers because they were asking me things about anime I didn't know XD. I think if I tried really hard I'd make a great antagonist! :D
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