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Mommy’s Random Thoughts

They drink straight black coffee when it's good coffee. Instant? Yuck. However, instant with hot chocolate added? Delicious. I will defend my dear beloved coffee... I live on it since most nights I get about 4hrs of sleep. Sugar and cream are for yuppies. ;P
@yaasshat I wanted to try instant coffee because I saw it was the worst coffee ever (specifically Nestle instant coffee I think it was? Which was the coffee I had). Of course it was just for an experiment and I dumped it as soon as I tasted it XD, I feel like my coffee (if I drank it) would be mostly sugar/creams and less coffee (which I know at that point I should just drink the creamers instead of the coffee if that’d be the case) XD. I like sweet things too much
(8:07 PM Mon. Mar 13th) Me and my twin went shopping with our mom for new pants today. My sister hated trying on so many pants (we are used to the few we have and don’t go clothes shopping much) and I was trying to cheer her up so she wouldn’t get in a funk just from trying on pants XD. And I was just trying not to break my nails while unzipping and zipping up the pants (I succeeded... well except for my right index finger, but it’s nothing too bad), but then I told my twin we need to slowly try to get out of the broke mindset and deal with shopping at a decent “more expensive” store XD, she wasn’t impressed with that but I did just talk to her yesterday about how a thrift store would be fine lol. We got some pajama pants and a few good pairs of jeans, and we weren’t supposed to look for shirts but our mom drifted over to them anyway... so now my twin has a cute Hello Kitty and ramen noodle shirt and I have a shirt with a Japanese cat making noodles that I named Raymen the ramen cat XD. Despite the tiring process of trying on pants it was a nice day! Especially because me and my twin got milkshakes at the end of the day, mine was cookies and cream and hers was chocolate mint.
(5:31 PM Tue. Mar 14th) My eldest and baby brother broke a cup I received for my birthday last year. They always made it fall and today they broke the lid so I can’t use it anymore, and it was such a sparkly cup too! I ignored them because I was mad and they spent the whole time trying to get me to talk to them, so now I’m not even mad and only ignoring them because they never understand leaving someone alone to be angry until they aren’t anymore and just keep bothering the person until they speak XD. I kind of feel bad for still ignoring them because it truly was an accident and I know that, but oh well, they’ll live XD.
(1:22 PM Wed. Mar 15th) @zasexygirl Thank you Zaza for the crappy conversation XD. I had a bad dream where I was stuck in a porter potty that could flush and it was dirty, nasty and backed up (which I didn’t know cause it didn’t look like it in the dream) I flushed it to test it and someone’s turd flew up out of the clogged toilet and landed on me... it was your turd I bet Zaza as revenge for me hating porter potty’s XD. I woke up in disgust and some fear at that dream all because of our literal crappy conversation XD.
(3:04 AM Fri. Mar 17th) I’m watching True Lies and I am dying from secondhand embarrassment when the woman in the movie (I forgot her name in the movie) is trying to act like a prostitute and be all sexy XD. I don’t know why I feel secondhand embarrassment so strongly but I literally paused that part of the movie to come here and talk about it so I could give myself a break! It really is a hilarious scene but I am also dying from embarrassment (and laughter) at the woman... someone please help me! Edit: 3:19 AM— Y’all she was putting on a show for the “customer” and she fell.... amsmsmmckc! She fell and I am laughing and dying once again, I am an embarrassed cryer so if I ever tried to act sexy and failed miserably I would just lie on the floor crying XD.
(1:02 AM Fri. Mar 24th) I went to look at the featured otakus (cause I saw a friend mention the featured Otaku thing)... and someone please tell me why my body responded with fear when I saw I was featured? Like I literally jumped in fright a little at seeing me on the featured list XD, but kudos to all the other lovelies featured <3
(10:24 PM Sat. Mar 25th) Today was a very nice Saturday. Me, my sisters, our mom and grandma went out today at the Hobby Lobby our eldest sister works at to look at the discounted stuff in the yarn section (she got more today), then we just started looking around with my twin and we saw these pretty looking lamps and me and my twin started talking about how we can put so many cute things in the lamps. I told her one looked perfect for a greenhouse themed lamp and then we started talking about how when we move into our larger house we will start decorating lanterns with different themes (some being her anime OC’s). Then we went across the street to TJ Maxx to browse and our eldest sister bought me and my twin matching shirts and we convinced her to spend her money on the nice pants she was looking at and a shirt that matched, we were able to convince her it’s alright since she’s so responsible with her money spending it on some clothes is nothing XD. Then me and my twin talked about how we should work in clothing stores to convince people to buy the clothes since we did it before with a random lady who wasn’t sure on whether she looked good in the clothes she tried on. We told her the way the clothes complemented her and then she bought them XD, but anyway! Today was a calm day and we had nachos for dinner so that’s delicious too.
(4:11 PM Sun. Mar 26th) I hate my iPad charger... I think at this point I’m just irritated with my old crusty iPad XD. Someone quickly send me a new charger because mine isn’t working at all XD
(11:26 PM Tue. Mar 28th) I hope no one was worried about me? I’m joking I know no one was XD, but I am not dead (obviously) as I stated with my iPad charger it’s not working and so my iPad died. I somehow got it to charge a bit today so I can come explain why I am not here sksksk. If I disappear again my iPad probably hasn’t charged again so don’t think I abandoned you babies (I know no one is thinking that but just to reassure that one person who might be thinking that) <3 XD
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