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Mommy’s Random Thoughts

Well... my random thought is that when you are engaged in activity, whether or not the activity benefits you, especially sleep, you lose sense of the passage of time. In the period you aren't attentive to the time, it feels as if it moves faster. With your attention shifted, time passes without your realization, as if you did a little time-jump in order to catch up. To personify, to better fit your description, it's almost as if time waits until you're occupied to make its moves.
It's almost as if "time" is a man made concept. Who knew?
(8:27 PM Mon. Feb 27th) I went birthday shopping with my baby brother today. I let him choose the birthday dinner this time since he is turning 13 and that’s one of the really special birthday ages to turn, so he chose buffalo chicken wings, chicken strips and fries for dinner. I chose for appetizers jalapeños wrapped in bacon and stuffed with some sort of filling and cheese sticks, then for drinks I chose root beer and Arizona sweet tea and my baby brother chose Coca Cola and... some other soda I can’t remember rn. Obviously the sweet tea is for me since I don’t really care for sodas XD, but it was a nice day! Our mom bought us snacks because it was birthday shopping day, I got spicy flavored Cheese-It’s and baby brother got Pringle’s. I can’t wait for our birthday! Since he’s becoming a teenager officially now our mom will make him a video of his pictures/videos from growing up. Which means I (and the rest of our siblings) will get to see his baby pictures, and he was such an adorable baby! I can’t wait to see his fat face, chubby legs and his long hair he had when he was 3-7 XD. He has been waiting years for this video ever since he found out he would get one and I can’t believe he gets it this March 1st. (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)
This is highly embarrasing, so i hope your birthdau ends soon LOL
@forgetmenot You don’t need to change your username, you know? I’m happy just with the wishes and hugs ^-^
No, you did it for me, so in all respects, I return the favor
@forgetmenot And it’s not because you love me or anything UwU. Oh! May I request I choose a character for you to be as your pfp since I also did so for you? :3 You don’t need to say yes lol
Hey, don't push it! I didn't choose, you chose to do that yourself! Hmm.. I'm contradicting myself aren't I? Fine.
(10:10 PM Tue. Feb 28th) Well, I have just been sent upstairs so I don’t see anything that will go on downstairs while my mom and siblings decorate. I didn’t get to paint my nails today since I was in the shower for so flipping long! XD But maybe I’ll paint my nails tomorrow since I know I’ll be waking up early for our birthday.
(6:41 AM Wed. Mar 1st) Yay! It’s officially March 1st! But why do I wake up so early on my birthday? XD I am surprised I actually slept the whole night through, because for some reason I cannot usually sleep on my birthday... but I did this time! And... I think I hear my baby brother moving around now? It at least sounded like someone was moving around, and I know he’s waiting to open his presents. I can’t wait to see his presents and his little video I said our mom made for him UwU. But I did hear my mom leave, so I wonder if she’s getting breakfast or something else? Poor woman didn’t even sleep I think? She’s been up the whole night wrapping stuff and decorating/getting the final touches put together. I love her though <3
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