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Mommy’s Random Thoughts

Next time Mike is mentioned you should say he proposed
@secretagentboi That is an excellent idea XD. I actually thought of that with my twin but wanted to save it for when I get the pretend Mike to “visit” for the first time XD, like the first time they officially meet him is because he proposed lol. That would get them badly
(6:22 AM Tue. Jan 10th) Finished watching Hetalia: Paint It White after I made myself some stir fried noodles and sweet habanero potatoes. And I was laughing at that movie too hard XD, I totally forgot about the part where Sealand charged out to fight the Pictonian alien creatures and immediately got turned into one of them. I just found that extremely hilarious apparently lol
(3:45 PM Wed. Jan 11th) What is up with the crapload of foreign men finding me on Insta? My problem isn’t that they are foreign, but that they only end up speaking their language XD... which is/would be fine if I could only understand Arabic, Indian or otherwise (would be cool to speak to them on their language too). Anyhow, had one guy ask me for my phone number... I don’t have a phone first of all and I was like even if I did I don’t know you too well so I still wouldn’t give it out (with all do respect) :3. I didn’t tell him exactly that at the time though, but maybe I should’ve? XD
(4:54 AM Thu. Jan 12th) Hmm? I’m watching aesthetic anime food and it showed two characters eating... and I thought, what would our world be like if we went around eating food like anime characters? xD Especially the women/girls eating like “om” “mm” *insert cute giggle and repeat*... like and everyone reacted to every meal like the characters in Food Wars when we liked something a lot? You have bright lights flashing/appearing from how good we think it tastes and people passing out and yelling because they like the food so much. I think I would go mad if I heard that everyday XD
(7:57 AM Fri. Jan 13th) My room is getting so hot I’m having heat flash lol... this is what Satan’s butthole would feel like I guess? All uncomfortably hot and making you wanna not do anything/pass out/give up, I’m gonna stop my tired rambling and turn off the heat now XD. Maybe be embarrassed about this comment later? Who knows? (Edit: 8 AM. Nvm Satan’s butt wind turned off by itself)
(7:25 PM Fri. Jan 13th) Just finished watching Sonic the movie 1996 (or OVA whatever it’s called lol). Why? No idea, I was bored and decided to stall on my many YouTube videos I need to catch up on by watching Sonic... I don’t know why Sonic talked the way he did but it’s hilarious. Of course we can’t forget the iconic line https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2T7N1ZqKZ50
(1:16 AM Sat. Jan 14th) You know something I never thought about in great detail is how my grandma is slowly dying. I knew her mental health has been declining but I thought it was just that, but I realized what she has is basically causing her to slowly die... since her brain is shutting down of course. I feel bad for my mom especially since she is the type of person to keep to herself a lot... I can’t imagine the worry she must have for her mother :(. I now know why my mom wants as many pictures whenever we get to see her, since we didn’t get a last pic with our grandpa before he died. Sorry this is so depressing my loves <3
Sorry to hear. My grandmother on my father's side was my favorite person in this world. We were very close. She passed 11 years ago. It was too soon, she wasn't that old. I miss her every day.
@verucassault That’s sweet how you two were so close ^^. I know you must miss her a lot but I’m sure the good memories you do have are very precious. But yeah... I don’t know if I’d say I’m close to her like that, but our family did live with her and our granddad when we were homeless so we do have some good memories with her. How quickly she is declining mentally is shocking and she’s coming here to stay with us today which is sometimes awkward since she doesn’t act the way she used to. So I’m just preparing to interact with her again and how forgetful she is now is all
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