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Mommy’s Random Thoughts

(7:22 AM Sun. Sep 18th) Wow! I’m actually up... well not really a decent time (to me... it’s still too early) but at least when the sun is up and not down lol. Although to be fair I just decided to pull an all-nighter and stayed up all Saturday, paired with the fact I was crying when my mom helped with my hair and stuff... I ended up pretty tired. But I was able to get Panda Express for dinner with money I didn’t know I had in the bank XD
(11:47 AM Sun. Sep 18th) I’m still awake... I’m at the point I wanna try falling back to sleep but I’m also hungry and I think I’m choosing food over more sleep. I also keep looking onto my wattpad account like my stories will finish writing themselves... I wanna write but I’m tired lol
(9:47 PM Mon. Sep 19th) I feel really tired and should head to bed... maybe later? But I just thought how I sometimes add an exclamation point at the end of a sentence instead of a question mark, so if I were to ask someone “how are you?” I accidentally put “how are you!” And I always just hear myself shouting it at someone in an aggressively nice way XD
This is the bodyguard of the once prince of Xianle, Xie Lian. One of his most memorable qualities is his severe loyalty and devotion, when he didn’t give up on his prince when things went south. Speaking of south he’s the Martial god of the Southeast with nearly 8,000 temples dedicated to him, he’s also known to be polite, courteous and honest and doesn’t like to gossip really. He does also however have a short fuse and tends to curse out loud even in front of other Martial gods, he also fights with Mu Qing (the past servant of Xie Lian) and he has an alter ego and fake subordinate named Nan Feng. (You also don’t need me to type out he’s very handsome. Because you can see it)
(1:23 AM Tue. Sep 20th) Wow! It’s almost fall, which means for my name to change to Fall Mother (still keeping the all in but you know... it’s fall so... yeah you get it). And also for me to pull out my pumpkin leggings and the pumpkin headband my eldest sister made for me! :D
https://youtu.be/60tEtF_7S3s Fall Mother be like "Pumpkin Pumpkin Pumpkin-Halloween Cannon!"
@verucassault I 100% agree! I love pumpkins! I even get my own pumpkin pie to eat on Thanksgiving because I’m the only one that eats it XD, but I’m glad I get it to myself!
(6:39 PM Tue. Sep 20th) It’s national pepperoni day and I don’t have any pepperonis :(... or pizzas. It’s been a bit since I’ve had a pizza and I want one, it’s my favorite food. Please, someone buy me pizza and I’ll be sure to pay you back XD
(1:23 AM Wed. Sep 21) I’m literally an idiot! I’m just now realizing that lmao means “laughing my a*s off” XD. I was sitting here looking shocked, like genuinely shocked that that’s what it means lol
(6:10 AM Wed. Sep 21st) I have great news! Idk if anyone else knows (I did post it on this thread) but my mom got into a car accident (don’t worry she was fine just a bit sore) and our cars front was badly damaged. A friend of our aunts works with cars and took it to his shop to see if it was just surface level damage (which can be fixed) or internal damage to the engine and stuff (which we wouldn’t be able to pay for or replace), so if it was internal he was just gonna buy the car from us. But good news is it somehow was just external damage and we can have our car back by this week! Thank God! ^-^
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