Saturday Boredom Has Brought Me Here. Hello!

tahlia @tahlia
Saturday Boredom Has Brought Me Here. Hello!
tahlia @tahlia
Hopefully my luck in making friendships here won't be as bad as my overall gacha luck.
Nice to meet everyone! I'm a little surprised by the lack of active nerd-meet-nerd sites there are (or at least, ones that aren't after my money), but this site came up as the very first result so I'm hoping this place is decently active!
Nnnot totally sure what else to say here that I haven't already said in my bio, but hopefully this post has made my presence known! Feel free to send a question or chat my way! :D

Pete Zahut @criselington
commented on
Saturday Boredom Has Brought Me Here. Hello!
Pete Zahut @criselington
Jello and welcome

Funmusicorn @funmusicorn
commented on
Saturday Boredom Has Brought Me Here. Hello!
Funmusicorn @funmusicorn
welcome ^^

Sobo275 @sobo275
commented on
Saturday Boredom Has Brought Me Here. Hello!
Sobo275 @sobo275
Heyo welcome to MO!

Jin @jin67
commented on
Saturday Boredom Has Brought Me Here. Hello!
Jin @jin67
Hey there, and welcome to the site. o/
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